YJ Draiman

The Consequences of Appeasement

The Consequences of Appeasement
The decisions made by the government of Israel since The six day war of 1967 leading up to today’s Gaza war with Hamas July 2014, as well as those of the first ten months or so after the turnover of Gaza in 2004 began, have dumbfounded historians ever since. The appeasement of Israel to the Arabs-Palestinians, in particular, has been so often held up as an example of how not to deal with a rising terrorism that it has become a stereotype. 
Israel stood its ground and responded to terrorism or any violence with utmost force. Israel would not be facing today’s crisis.
As many have said – appeasement, concessions and lack of proper response to terrorism is detrimental to
Israel and its people and the Jewish people worldwide.
What the Arabs could not win in a war they won in playing the peace game, all the while building up arsenals and educating their children to hate and to destroy Israel. While enriching their own pockets with the billions contributed by the world to help the impoverished Arab-Palestinian.
What a scheme – and the gullible world is buying it hook line and sinker.
When will the World learn that the Arabs cannot be trusted, I hope before the Arabs take over
Europe and than the United States and Canada.
YJ Draiman

About the Author
YJ Draiman ran for Mayor of the city Los Angeles in 2013. He was sworn in as an elected member of NENC, Los Angeles in April 2010 and was re-elected in 2012 and 2014. YJ Draiman brings to the NENC Office a unique combination of government, business and community leadership experience. He is also a member of The Northridge Vision Committee. A recent ambitious goal by YJ Draiman is to create in Los Angeles an innovative renewable energy zone approach which will create tens of thousands of new jobs with billions in investments over the next 5-10 years. YJ Draiman is a former Real Estate developer with over 20 year’s experience; he has worked extensively in gentrifying neighborhoods. YJ Draiman has vast experience in the deregulation of Utilities and implementing energy and water conservation. He is an Energy Efficiency expert for over 25 years as well as an Alternative Energy authority and a Telecommunications auditor. YJ Draiman has been working in the Energy and the Utility markets for over 20 years. In January 1996 he was asked to run for U.S. Senate, but he declined. YJ Draiman is currently working on his PHD in energy conservation.