The Devil Made Him Do It!
Flip Wilson, the late American comedian created a comic character, Geraldine Jones who, whenever she would get caught doing something untoward, would declare “The Devil made me do it!”
Hunter Biden was subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee to appear at a December 13, 2023 deposition. He did go to D.C. but he didn’t appear at the deposition. Instead, he stood outside Capitol and blamed his problems on his drug addiction, Trump, Repr. Greene, Comer, Jordan, Smith and MAGA.
Hunter declared his father was not “financially involved” in his dealings.
He didn’t define “financially involved”.
He also skirted over the fact that the courts have held that it is not necessary for an office holder to personally benefit from money paid as a result of influence peddling. A cause of action exists where a family member benefits.
Congressional Representatives never got a chance to ask Hunter questions about the bank records, emails, telephone calls, photographs, texts, visitor logs, and sworn witness testimony in their possession as well records of the payment of millions of dollars from entities affiliated with Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Romania deposited into 20 shell companies or whistle blowers’ testimony that Joe Biden was “the big guy; they were selling “The Biden Brand”and he received a percentage of the take.
Having finished his (unsworn) statement, Hunter swept off.
All he was missing was a cape and a Mighty Wurlitzer.