Barry Shaw

The Eternal Message of Israel

The one thing that the heathen world deny, is that we Jews of Israel are here as of right in our blessed land.

We are the original people of God’s given faith, in God’s given land.

We are not an offspring of another faith, though others are an offspring of our original faith.

We have been persecuted for thousands of years by people of other faiths, and by people of no faith at all, who have cursed us for being God’s original people.

We have been persecuted for possessing God’s chosen land, and for living as strangers in other people’s lands.

He ordered us to keep his laws, and to defend and cultivate the land He promised us. And we have been cursed for doing so.

Those that hate us will continue to hate us. Those that mean us harm will continue to cause us harm.

But today, they see the New Jew. The Jew that no longer bows, no longer offer our necks to our enemies, but are prepared to fight to defend our land and people.

And we shall defeat our enemies and be respected by others who thought little of us.

And those not of our faith, not of our nation, who retain traditional moral values and support us, will understand that they are blessed for blessing us. While those who curse us will continue to be cursed.

And those that bless us, and stand with us, will discover in us the moral courage to fight for what is right.

They will lift the curse that has been put upon them by the same enemy, by uniting with us. For we will give them the moral strength to do so.

And they will do this, not to convert us, but to respect and support us for who we are. For what we are.

God’s Chosen People.

Barry Shaw,

The View from Israel.

About the Author
Barry Shaw is the Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also the author of ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism,' '1917. From Palestine to the Land of Israel, 'BDS for IDIOTS,' and his latest work 'A Tale of Love and Destiny,' the dramatic life of a Jewish heroine.
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