Aharon Liebersohn

The Galapagos Syndrome in Europe

From the very beginning of the European Union (EU), they have adopted the philosophy of multiculturalism; a peaceful and respectful co-existence of diverse cultures within a unified society.

Striving to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah, where there will come a time, when there will be lasting peace and harmony among mankind, love and understanding will reign among man, regardless of their nationality and distinctive culture from which they came to Europe.

The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and the little child shall lead them.

Isaiah 11:6

Children have been educated and raised on the basis of this ideology. They also learned that there are advantages and strength in diversity. The Europeans were indoctrinated to moderate their own national and religious identities in order to make it easier and facilitate the integration of immigrants, most of whom are Muslims. It was a price most of them were willing to pay in order to make multiculturalism a success.

Europeans were persuaded to support the multiculturalism idea and to this end they underwent a process of galapagosization in which they acquired the Galapagos way of thinking. It made them believe they don’t have to question anymore their personal security and that there will no longer be evil, hatred and envy caused when a society is deeply fragmented.

They lost their wariness of “potential predators.” It’s what I call The Galapagos Syndrome!

At that time the idea of multiculturalism was considered as the most moral, liberal, democratic and progressive way to handle the different cultures in the continent including the immigrants to form a multicultural but unified society.

Most European leaders and especially the most important ones praised the idea and supported it vigorously over the years. They thought their approach achieved perfection in leading the European community. At the same time a minority of EU leaders who thought it’s a “Political Naivety.” Like the “Ecological Naivety” mentioned before.

Over the years Europe received tens of millions immigrants mainly Muslims. In the last years they flooded Europe also because of the “Arab Spring.” Their number is now estimated to be at least 50 million.

The Europeans discovered quite late to their dismay, the Muslims have no tendency to fit into their philosophy of integrating into a unified multicultural society. Many of them even aspire to take over the European countries and to impose Islam over all its citizens.

Muslims are using various ways of terror including rape and economic terror, to reach their goals. In fact they are demanding Sharia law be enacted to replace German law and other host countries law. They are also exhausting the government’s charity resources. They are abusing the hospitality, Galapagos animal’s type of tameness and a long time refusal of hypocritical leaders and NGOs to admit they were mistaken.

After a lot of pain, at last, top leaders of the EU are slowly awakening started to admit that their philosophy has failed.

Angela Merkel had said: “Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies, and therefore multiculturalism remains a grand delusion.”

David Cameron had said: “Frankly we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism.” He added and said: “Under the Doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values.”

Leaders might lose control when the different wings might start fighting each other and the mainstream will leave its Galapagos spirit of tameness and tolerance.

The term “Galapagos Syndrome” is of Japanese origin. The term was originally coined to refer to Japanese 3G mobile phones, which had developed a large number of specialized features and dominated Japan, but were unsuccessful abroad. In that case, the “Galapagos syndrome” is the result of Japan’s somewhat isolated position as an island nation. In the article I’m using the term in a much different interpretation.

About the Author
Dr. Liebersohn lives in Israel. He is a PhD in chemical sciences with many years of experience in management, and he's a writer. "World Wide Agora," "CotCodet, The Little Start-Up Hen," "The Mighty Whys" and the "Parrot who refused to parrot"...