Gaston Saidman

The hapless BDS agenda in Latin America, now Chile

The BDS organization became well known for being aggressively active against Israel and for obscuring its image in many areas of the world. Today, after a long period,it seems to be that this organization would be raising head in South American countries.This is something that many analysts underestimated from the beginning, on the contrary there were those who tried to report the danger of the growth of this organization in the south American  zone.

Unfortunately, anti-Semitism is a phenomenon that is growing in Chile and is not only noticed in the society; it is influenced by the bad press or the Palestinian community which grewtremendously  over the years.To this fact, we must add the activity of the BDS organization, which although it has gained weight within various universities in Europe or the United States, in Latin America together with the marked anti-Semitism and the Palestinian community they have managed to get to work in union with politicians and high officials.

A report that was published on the Internet, gave  us a database on how certain media were used to generate hate and anti-Semitism. According to the report you can see the anti-Semitic campaigns carried out by social networks during the months of May, June and July of 2018, here we can notice a record of institutional or political posts, campaigns, events, news and publications that include anti-Semitic elements.

The BDS is proud to be able to cancel trips to many Latin artists admired in Israel, who due to pressure and threats were forced to cancel their visits, as there are those who also joined the boycott convinced of the accusations that this country received for the organization.

For many years there has been a special department  in the Chile government led by the Palestinian community in the country.This department  that works as a lobby from a parliamentary source has managed to reach other public entities within the universities and municipalities, even politicians that they have taken the Palestinian cause blindly as part of their agenda as a Deputy who even got tattoos “Viva Palestina” long live Palestine.

This initiative is directed by its own Mayor Omar Sabat, of Palestinian descent who is part of the Palestinians community living in Chile.The Mayor has chosen to follow a series of activities that would affect in the future the commercial function of Israeli companies in the city of Valdivia, this implies a de facto rejection to the municipality in contracting any company related to Israel. This last action could affect Israeli companies that are already working in Chile, it is just the beginning of something that if we had set ourselves before maybe it could have been avoided.

Faced with this the Chilean Community of Israel Organization presented to the Comptroller of the Chilean Government a complaint against the disastrous attitude of Mayor Omar Sabat to cancel this decree immediately.

Chile and Israel have a long history based on very good relations, we must bear in mind that Chile was one of the countries that recognized Israel in 1949 and after those who supported joining the United Nations. This last attitude of Mayor Omar Sabat will not be the one that manages to undo this good relationship, but without doubts it does not represent the true image of the Chilean people who have already set to work to combat this injustice.

About the Author
Gaston Saidman was born in Argentina and arrived in Israel at the age of 12. After his Military Service, he served as the Chairman of the young Latin American Committee of Latin American olim Organization. Today he is acting as the General Manager of FOILAT Organization, which is developing a Parliament Lobby in the Israeli Knesset to strengthen the Diplomatic relations between Israel and Latin America. He is also involved in other activities such as the Smart Middle East Forum, and a new movement that will develop Public Diplomatic projects with other young and Zionist activist.