The Head of The Octopus
Whatever illusions the world-at-large once fostered about the future of the Middle East, are now null and void. Facing core issues is very difficult, especially when it forces upon those in power… to admit their own complicity in allowing evil to proceed unchecked.
From the first day after the October 7, 2023 atrocities perpetrated by Hamas upon innocent babies, men, women, children…young and old… peacefully asleep in their beds or dancing with delight to the sounds of music under the night’s skies… there has been one question which few in high places were prepared to answer: Why has Iran not been held accountable for the atrocities which it artfully financed and set into motion?
The media speaks about Iran’s “Axis of evil”… its “proxies”… and Western governments sit back, looking for excuses… not to get involved. Did they all think that Iran was just kidding about its aspirations in the Middle East? Was it a matter of distance… which created the illusion that the tentacles of Iran’s octopus could not reach foreign shores? My article “Why Is No One Listening?”-addressed Iran’s Islamic Fundamentalist goals in detail. Apparently, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his friends at the US State Department, missed my treatise on the subject. You however, are welcome to check it out:
There are nations which understood clearly what the Mullahs of Iran were orchestrating, and they came together under the umbrella of the Abraham Accords… because either united, they stand… or divided they will most certainly fall. Why is it only the Arab countries who acknowledge Iran’s intentions, and the western nations avoid doing so, whatever the cost?
Iran has attempted to take-over, undermine or destroy, every country in the Middle-East. Does the media in your country report that small tidbit, or is it just deemed irrelevant to the lives of their viewers/readers? When your own government is in denial, and continues feeding the creature intent on devouring all in its path… why should the private citizens pay any attention? We trust our governments, don’t we? We should be able to believe in their choices.
For those of us living in Israel, conflicted over the sixty-day ceasefire with Hezbollah which began at 4 A.M. on November 27, 2024, the solution to the evil audacity of Iran appears to lay in the future destruction of their nuclear capabilities. We have every right to focus on this goal…as it appears to be the most immediate threat to our survival, the survival of the non-violent Arab nations which exist, the immediate future of Europe- and eventual danger to the United States. The problem with this priority, Ambassador Yoram Ettinger explained recently when invited to speak in Jerusalem by the Im Tirtzu organization… is that it simply pushes off Iran’s nuclear program by ten or twenty years…but does not change their ultimate intentions to dominate and destroy others in its path.
The public of Iran , directly under the vile leadership of its Ayatollah, has thus far been unable to orchestrate a coup to change their status-quo. On two occasions this week I attended Press conferences with individuals who for many years, have worked closely with President-elect Donald Trump. When questioned as to whether they though he would support an effort to end the reign of the Ayatollah’s regime, the answers were guarded. They suggested however that as President, he would not likely lead the way to ending the rule of the Ayatollah, but would be supportive if the initiative gained momentum in Iran itself. The Biden administration over the past four years, has proven itself unwilling to go for the Iranian “jugular”.
This particular evening in Jerusalem, spent with Ambassador Yoram Ettinger, helped to clarify issues that had been muddled for many of us, for a very long time.
He explained that under repeated Democrat leadership, and with staunch policies of America’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the US State Department’s approach to Iran remained steadfast. To them, the Mullahs were simply “misunderstood.” Selected long ago, by America to replace the Shah of Iran, the US was then convinced that the Ayatollah was pro-American, and anti- Soviet. What else could possibly matter? Sadly, they have not moved from that illusion and have learned little from what has ensued.
Ettinger encapsulated the US State Department’s philosophy which they have embraced for the past forty years… which believes in its core that terrorism exists from poverty and victimhood. All current history has proven that to be untrue. It exists from aggressive, contorted and distorted ideology having nothing to do with economics. The US department of State has not absorbed the truths that The Abraham Accord nations have learned. They have been “stuck” in a time-warp, and their serious disconnect has been at the core of the inaction of the US against Iran as the primary instigator and funder of worldwide terrorism.
The West at large, ignored the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars provided from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon, to Hamas in Gaza, to the Houtis in Yemen. The US State Department under Anthony Blinken, happily encouraged the reversal of sanctions imposed on Iran by President Donald Trump, netting hundreds of Billions of dollars in excess oil revenues to the Iranian coffers which feeds terrorism throughout the world. Today, even with the defeat of Hamas and massive reduction of Hezbollah… Iran looks for, and locates, other terrorists to train and financially embolden, placing them in the Sinai Peninsula to await the Ayatolah’s instructions.
An example of political parallel realities is evident when we, as the normal hard- working citizens of the world have had our abilities to handle our personal finances, tied up in knots… in a supposed attempt to “stop money laundering” which presumably was funding terrorist activities. It now seems quite apparent that terrorism world-wide, has been mightily funded by Iran… with the intentional or unintentional … explicit assistance of the U.S. Government through its State Department policies and reversal of the Trump sanctions placed on Iran during his first administration. It mattered more to the current administration to reverse Trumpian changes, than to stop the funding of terrorism world-wide. That is certainly something to ponder over a double-shot espresso!
Who could ever have dreamed that the United States… the bastion of democracy… could have become so complicit in the support of the axis of evil in the Middle East? Did Americans understand any of this when they returned Donald Trump to the White House in the recent elections? They were likely more concerned about the reduction of the quality of American lives which had brought the US to its own breaking-point. While the American voters seem to care very little about our issues on the other side of the ocean, they do see that which affects them directly. That having been said, the return of Trump to the Oval Office makes a tremendous difference as to how the enemies of Israel will act. “Caution” is the word of the day.
Ambassador Ettinger eloquently, patiently and clearly explained why the only solution to the continuing crises in the Middle East…must be… regime change. He refers of course to the Ayatollah’s regime in Iran. He does not suggest the modus operandi – the way that should come to be, but it is heavily implied. Either the U.S. under President Trump arms the Iranian people sufficiently so that they can destroy the regime, or Israel…with the blessing and assistance of President Trump, must do so.
Iran is noticeably concerned with the outcome of the US Presidential elections. They are hoping that a bit of self-restraint on their part, will stroke the tail of those inclined to pounce on the once perceived to be invincible… Ayatollah and his regime.
The head of the Octopus is watching its tentacles destroyed one by one… and is searching for a solution to its dismemberment. If the Iranian people themselves do not unite in this effort, the removal of the Regime will be ugly and have a very difficult aftermath. This is a result best orchestrated from within, lest other power-obsessed countries such as Turkey decide to pounce on a new opportunity for hegemony. Once this goal is achieved… the entire region will be able to move forward. The impact of Iran has been disastrous on every nation in the region. Now is the time to crush the weakened Octopus at its core, so that it can no longer infect, terrify, and massacre an apparently slumbering world… believing this must all simply be a passing nightmare, while ignoring the very real malevolent head with its endless appetite for evil.