David Lemmer

The Ideological Battle of Today

Allied troops invading Normandy to fight evil - Meta AI
Allied Troops Invading Normandy to fight Evil - Meta AI

What is the difference between the right and the left nowadays? We can talk about policy all day long, but the truth is we should be able to go into depth on certain issues and pinpoint exactly what one side wants as opposed to the other. In reality though, today’s climate has gotten us to see a clear distinction between good and evil. We used to hear them argue about gun control, women’s rights, foreign policy, and different tax legislation which both sides intellectually claimed that their plan had the brightest future. As long as intellect guided the course everything surrounding us was tolerable. People waved to each other although they didn’t share the same beliefs, neighborhoods were a mix of many types and everybody lived in harmony.

We know that the Army uses technology way more advanced than what the common folk do. Their engineers are brilliant, the money supply is endless, and with close to no regulations they are able to move forward into the future way before the rest of the world. The same is with Washington DC; the politics we’ve been living with for so many years seemed to be just another point of interest for some, but for the creatures in the Capitol it was a personal fight. Their lives were controlled by the cloud that enveloped the streets and their disdain for the other side was truly dirty. It took time, but slowly it spread across the nation and their sinister and diabolical ways made its way into the public.

Seeing how the universities played the long con on our children by allowing the brainwashing to commence all in the name of education. Witnessing the crumbling infrastructure on the roads, in our neighborhoods and most of all, the most precious infrastructure known to man, the destruction of critical thinking. When we really take a closer look at ourselves what do we see? It seems like we have been neglecting the truth for so long and the result is chaos all over. Name it progressivism or liberalism, it doesn’t matter, making things better does not require making things worse first. It is clear for all to see that the politics we thought was just a simple outlet to keep ourselves busy, has turned into a catalyst for anger and divisiveness throughout the entire country.

It hasn’t just happened in the USA, this phenomenon has been at the root of much evil for centuries. When was the last time a nation went to war with another due to a true hatred and disgust that was driven by the forces of truth? When Moses led the way to fight the Midianites in the book of Numbers he had a true and moral reason to defeat their evil that slowly made its way into the ranks of the Jewish people. When the Hasmoneans fought the Greeks in 200 BC they did it for the sake of protecting our way of life and keeping idolatry and corruption from destroying the ranks of the pure Jewish nation. When the allied forces invaded Normandy to defeat the tyranny of the Germanic Nazis, they marched with their lives on the line for the sake of peace in the world. And when Palastinians from Gaza rush through their border to kill and kidnap hundreds, and clearly state that they have yet to finish the job, it is precisely at such a moment that we have to defend ourselves against evil with the true forces of good.

The world is going backwards and this globalist agenda has crept into the next generation. People who are programmed at a young age to hate their country, hate their fellow people, and for some dark reason hate the Jews. This has been going on for way too long and it makes us wonder if there was ever a time when these well meaning leftists were ever well meaning after all. As believers in God we don’t justify actions of evil and terror in order to further an agenda; as believers we take His word to heart and live accordingly with proper morals and values. The word of God hasn’t changed since it was given because the only perfection there is, is Him. We don’t seek to modernize our ways or interpret His words with new meaning, rather we have history to look at and through it we know to keep the peace and allow His plan to unfold. 

Socialism has been a failed experiment and so has every other ‘ism’ been. Progressivism is just another one of these power-plays that are doomed to fail. There is no modernizing the wheel, and there is no modernizing human beings. Even after scientific breakthroughs such as the atom bomb, we learned to simmer down from the excitement and eventually came back to our core values of faith and family, so too nowadays with the advent of technology and its global reach we must revert back to our core values and beliefs in order to continue moving forward in time. The true values that have gotten us through history will be the same values that will keep us going into the future.

Maimonides said it best more than a thousand years ago; “This Torah will not be changed and there will not be another Torah given to us by the Creator blessed be His name.” As time moves on and we step into the new trends of modernity, as we move forward into new ages with new possibilities we must remember the true values that have kept man alive for thousands of years. Values of truth and peace always had their opponents advocating for lies and destruction. Today’s miserable people are no different from those we faced two thousand years ago with the Romans, and no worse than the Kasdi Babylonians with Nebuchadnezzar. All it is, is another generation, new technologies with the same old hatred planted in their hearts. 

It seems clear that the movement of destruction has always been with the intention to somehow pivot and release all of their anger against the Jews. At first it seemed like a beautiful pig with lipstick; open the minds of our kids to think differently for the hopes of a prosperous tomorrow, but in reality, once removed from the truth an inch it becomes very hard to go back and refresh that page. The lust and greed that has washed over the masses over the last forty years was all fun and games until the true colors of evil finally came out of the darkness. The plan of evil starts with sweet and well intentioned people, but their results are devastating. And now, when we see what their innocent work has done, we start to wonder if they were ever sweet, innocent or well intended?

The right and the left used to be a group of intellectuals arguing, but as it is clear today, the intellectual conservatives who have held their morals and values strong weren’t in a fair fight. They engaged in an ideological war using intellectual weapons. It is time to take our ideology, our true and everlasting munitions out. We have to fight fire with fire and stop feeding their beast with more fuel. Their hypocrisy is so evident that debating whether men can be pregnant should no longer be entertained, they are the true enemies of everything good and it is time to show the world what good actually means and how it has been the bedrock of humanity throughout all generations.


David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Hypnotherapist and Author out of NJ. He can be reached at

About the Author
David Lemmer, is a hypnotherapist based out of Lakewood NJ. He has a couple of books relating to hypnotherapy of a journey through the body and soul of the person to discover their inner meaning. Another book with a beautiful poetic translation of all of Tehillim.
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