Ali Hajizade

The Iranian propaganda called the ambassador of Azerbaijan in the USA “Jew” and “Zionist”

AzerbaijanIsrael_LGThe Iranian officials and mass media, which are totally under control of the state in this country, not for the first time show discontent and indignation to the fact of friendly ties between Azerbaijan and Israel.

On March 9 the Azerbaijani edition of the Iranian state radio, located in Tabriz, published material under the name “Activity of the Azerbaijani Lobby in the USA against Armenia” ( in the low-quality material, abounded with grammatical and lexical mistakes, where Azerbaijan is exposed to groundless criticism.

In particular, the Iranian authors mention close channels between Azerbaijan and the Jewish lobby in the USA and claim that Azerbaijan allegedly spends hundreds of millions dollars for the Jewish lobby in the USA to use it against Armenia. Of course, we can understand concern of the Iranian propaganda, after all Armenia is very important for Iran, both for pressure upon Azerbaijan, and for transportation of the goods and freights of a dual purpose, which got under sanctions, in circumvention of the international sanctions across its territory.

That’s from where the Iranian care of interests of Armenia comes.

In this regard, the Iranian radio calls the ambassador of Azerbaijan in the USA “Zionist” and “Jew” … and also “the Jewish politician”. We, citizens of Azerbaijan, got used to such Iranian attacks. Since first years of its independence, Azerbaijan closely cooperates with Israel, including the Jewish organizations abroad, but last years that cooperation became closer and intensive, and it can’t help disturbing Iran. But I’m interested in another thing, whether the Iranian propagandists really consider that someone will believe their propaganda.

On the other hand, we are once again convinced that the policy of concessions and pacification, which is carried out by the USA in relation to Iran, doesn’t promote improvement of the situation and reduction of the threats, proceeding from Iran.

About the Author
Ali Hajizade Founder & Editor in Chief of the site, CEO of the LLC Hajizade Group. The author of a number of articles, related to the conflicts and processes in the Middle East and in the Caucasus, Ottoman Empire.