The Jews are the only indigenous people of the land of Israel
“– all of Eretz Israel belongs to the Jewish people. There are two banks of the Jordan — this one is ours, and that one too. Stand firm. Be true. Be devoted to the faith of your people and to your ancient-new land. This is a time for Ahavat Eretz Israel.” ——“What did the world know about Palestine and the Jews, except two things? First, that the Jews had been turned out of Palestine by force, and second, that the Jews have never ceased claiming Palestine back.” [Jabotinsky: Plaza Theater speech in S. Africa].
If leadership is the solution, what is the problem? On this, the Torah could not be more specific. The problem is a failure of responsibility.” [Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks]
It was factually incorrect for the National Post and 9 Post media newspapers to describe the Temple Mount as an exclusive Muslim holy site, when in fact its revered as Judaism’s holiest site and is a Christian holy site, while the Al Aqsa compound, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, is Islam’s 3rd holiest site.
On March , 2016, The Jerusalem Post published Greer Fay Fishman’s “Literally giant Aharon Megged dead at 95.” She lists his many accomplishments including his appointments on behalf of Israel. In 1946, he was sent to the US and in 1968, he was sent to London.
Returning to England in 1977, Megged spent a year as a scholar-in residence at Oxford University and as a consequence of his notoriety was invited on lecture tours to the US, where he was an author-in-residence at the University of Iowa.
According to Yossi Klein Halevi, upon the installation of the Netanyahu government, “Talk of emigration is growing; secular Israelis describe it — tellingly, in English as ‘relocation.’ In the past, Israelis have left for economic or professional reasons. Netanyahu is creating the grounds for an emigration of despair.”
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stressed US position to policy’s that undermine efforts to reach a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, during his 1st call with new Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.
NPR: Journalist says Netanyahu’s new government is a “threat to Israel’s democracy.” In ec.15, Netanyahu said he would control the far-right members of his coalition and that he’d be making the key decisions, saying “They are joining me . I’m not joining them.”
The report from The Washington Post declared, “Far Right Government Sworn In Amid Surge of Resistance.” “This is not the end of democracy, it is the essence of democracy, Netanyahu said at the inauguration event at the Knesset—a declaration that was met by intermittent cheers from his supporters and boos from other members, who screamed ‘you’re a disgrace’ before being escorted out of the hall by security personnel.
Outside the building, hundreds gathered to demonstrate against the incoming government, hoisting posters with slogans, including ‘crime minister’ and ‘BiBlical disaster’, a play on Netanyahu’s nickname, Bibi.
JTA on Jan. 9, 2023 : “Left wing Israelis take to the streets as new government presses Right-wing agenda further.” by Andrew Lapin.
A reported 10,000 demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv to protest against PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s new right-wing government, which contains several ministers who are openly hostile to Arabs and Palestinians, LGBTQ people and liberal forms of Jewry Organizers, many of whom hailed from Israeli left-wing groups, who advertised the demonstration as “against the coup-d’etat carried out by the criminal government, which threatens to harm all citizens whoever they are”, according to Times of Israel. Some carried signs comparing Netanyahu and his coalition to Nazis.”
Which brings us back to Aharon Megged when he experienced similar extreme Leftists. His observations are titled “Where Are You Running To, You Lunatics?” as published by Midstream on May, 1995.
His introductory observation, “The ink on the peace agreements with Jordan is scarcely dry and already thousands of Israelis are rushing to the bridges—-Where are you rushing off to ? They are not rushing to you to see the wonders of the pubs and massage parlors of ‘the city that never rests'”.
Further, Megged opines, as to the declarations of the Egyptian journalists, authors, lawyers, academics, who state very clearly their opinion, not only about the peace agreement with Israel, but also about the existence of Israel in the heart of Arab land; or one might read the decisions Jordanian authors made instantly after the signing of the agreement with Jordan. ‘===our foreign minister hopes that we’ll be accepted in the “Arab League!”
“But the most humiliating scene—–when dozens, maybe hundreds of people from the ‘Peace Now’ movements and others from the left wing, came to fight side by side with the Palestinians to rescue their land from the Jewish ‘settlers’, who had ‘stolen it from them.——But the hate burning in your sole for the ‘settlers’ is stronger than your hate for the terrorists.”
[Aharon Megged was a well established essayist and novelist who lived and published in Israel. The above treatise runs to several pages].
A common factor in Israel’s history is the lack of “Hasbara” and the failure of the respective governments to frame their claims as being the only indigenous people to the Land of Israel. Hopefully the new government will include these in their agenda. A number of journalists have provided sufficient material for the effort. Some examples:
Palestine: The Original Sin by Meir Abelson. Subtitles provide a clue to its contents.
[2] Arabs welcome Jews Home: At that time no one heard of a “Palestine Arab people; the term was not invented until after 1964.”
[3] The Rot Begins: So, what happened? How was it possible that in just 3 years–from 1917 to 1920,[when the 1st pogrom occurred] Arab goodwill was trans muted into hatred and enmity?
[7] The Court Jew- Throughout his tenure of office, Samuel suffered acutely from his consciousness of being a Jew, causing him to pivot right round to an actual His introductory observation, “The ink on the peace agreements with Jordan is
[10] “Justice, Justice Thou Shall Pursue.”- The Government reacted by appointing more commissions . Incredibly, after long delays, they produced pro-Arab reports.[
[12]Hitlerism in Palestine.- There is little question that by this time [1939], the British officials in Palestine regarded themselves as under some kind of duty to sabotage the very policy they were appointed to carry out.
[13 Descent into Chaos.-“If one thing stands out from the record of the Mandatory administration ,” conceded the Peel Report, “it is the leniency with which Arab political agitation, even when carried out to the point of violence and murder, has been treated.”[
[17] The 1st Hanging. – A general strike shut all Jewish shops in Jerusalem, while over the entire country widespread demonstrations took place. They were ignored, and Ben-Yosef was put to death–on a Jewish holiday. In Parliament, John McGovern, MP referred to the execution as “perfectly outrageous.”
[18] League of Nations – A Dying Protest. – This was the famous White Paper of May 1939, of which the main provisions were; no partition, no Jewish state, an independent” Arab state” within 10 years: Jewish immigration after 5 years would not be allowed “unless the Arabs of Palestine were prepared to acquiesce in it.—Field Marshal Lord Plumer withered them with the reply “No one asked you to be responsible . I am the High Commissioner , and I will be responsible. “—In response to Lord Samuel and his delegation.
Rachel Neuwirth is a remarkable LA based analyst, on the board of directors of the West Coast Region of the AJC. Her “A win-win solution to the Arab- Israel Conflict” was published by Think-Israel’s , Jul.-Aug 2004 edition. She proposes an entirely fresh approach free of imposed restraints She demonstrates the falsity and futility of the main arguments intrinsic to the Oslo Accords and to the Road Map.
[a] Demonstrably false argument 1,—Israel should trade ‘”land for peace’ to create yet another Arab country. [b] Demonstrably false argument 2—The ‘Palestinians’ are a separate people who deserve their own country. [c] Demonstrably 3—We can have a viable ‘Palestinian’ state in the so-called West Bank and Gaza next to a viable Israel.[d] Demonstrably false argument 4–Arab possession of their 22 countries and 5 million square miles is legitimate and not to be challenged.
Neuwirth’s recommendation and summary is as follows. She asserts that the Saudis caused much of the problem and should assist with its solution. In the 1st instance, the Bush administration should make the Saudi’s ” an offer they can can’ t refuse ‘ and have them realize they have a direct interest in providing “land for peace.”
On Dec. 20, 2022, Arutz7 posted Rachel Nueuwirth’s “Jewish History Matters” in which she debunks the suicidal “2 State solution “in the heartland of Israel.
18 years have passed since her previous epic on the subject matter. In her own words, we learn the history of events that have passed in the interim.
She acknowledges Salomon Benzimra’s book on the Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel. It makes an irrefutable case, based on history and law. It will fortify Jews who support Israel and want to be sure that the case for Israel is “air tight”, with no hidden weakness or vulnerability. It will certainly convince all those who are honest and value truth and justice.
Rachel Nueuwirth’s conclusion . Zionist Jews must mobilize now and act boldly to expose the treachery of both our enemies and our so-called friends.
Israel Rising, published, “So-called Palestinians have no history in Israel, except as terrorists” by Richard Mather, a UK native on Jan. 7, 2017. It is remarkable for its statistics in support of the historical record concerning the Land of Israel. His opening remarks speaks volumes. “Until it is acknowledged by the UN and other bodies that the Jewish people, and not the Arabs are the indigenous inhabitants of Eretz Israel, it is going to be difficult to break the impasse of anti-Jewish prejudice that is the real obstacle to peace.”
Mather recalls Hadriani ‘s book of 1714 which addresses his trip to Eretz Israel during 1995-96. On his travels, he surveyed around 2,500 places mentioned in the Tanakh and Mishnah. Among some interesting discoveries, he discovered that not a single settlement had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead, the names derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.A further discovery was the conspicuous absence of a sizeable Muslim population .
Drawing on work by statistician and demographer Roberta Bachi, it is estimated that there were only 151, 000 non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine in 1540. By 1800, the non-Jewish population had grown to around 268,000, rising to 489,000 by 1890, 589,000 in 1922 and just over 1.3 million in 1948.
Since the vast majority of these non-Jewish migrants were Muslims, we can draw the conclusion they were recent immigrants. The Peel Commission reported in 1937 that a “shortfall of land” was “due less to the amount acquired by Jews than to the increase of in the Arab population. Despite their successful efforts in deceiving the world, many Arab Palestinian leaders know the truth about the origins of their people. Egyptian born Yasser Arafat made this very clear, when he said, “The Palestinian people have no national identity. I Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel. In a conversation with Dutch newspaper Trouw in March 1977, the leader of the pro-Syria as-Sa’iqa faction of the PLO, Zuheir Mohsen, remarked: “It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity [-] yes, the identity serves only tactical purposes.
The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.