The Leader I Need and Seek…
I do not normally write publicly about politics and I would like to suggest that this in indeed not about politics, but in our present climate everything seems to be political. Nonetheless, this is about issues and the present reality confronting us all. I have wrestled with myself over this post, but my very wise daughter said maybe its worthwhile to do it, so here goes….
I am very aware that when we say the confessional on Yom Kippur, so MANY of these items begin with the harm that speech can do. As I have taught so often, if we would ALL pay half as much attention to the words that come out of our mouths as we do to the food that goes in (for those of us who observe Kashrut or any other dietary restrictions) that would be a great place to begin. Watching how we speak and being aware of what the other hears…. I am more ashamed than offended when I see, for example, self-identified and practicing religiously observant Jews, make terribly hurtful statements, e.g. Any Jew who does not vote for my candidate is not a Jew, should have their head examined, etc. These statements are NOT helpful and ARE harmful.
Whoever you vote for, follow your conscience. I will not think less of you. What does hurt is the following — for us in the Jewish community, full disclosure on this Erev Yom Kippur — if you speak in a way that belittles others, that harms others, that demeans other human beings — for we ARE ALL created in the image of G-d and as we learn in the Talmud, to embarrass or belittle another human being is to do the same to The One Who Created that person.
I am a proud religiously observant Jew who LOVES Israel and is grateful to the USA for the opportunities it has given my family, which began, as for so many of us, with immigration. To be specific, my mom’s (zl) family fled the pogroms in Russia in the late 1910’s through 1920’s. So as the child of an immigrant family, I need and seek a leader who validates and does not demean immigrants.
My dad (zl) was a proud American who fought in WWII, who had some serious health issues and showed incredible strength as he felt his duty was to protect this country. He was never weak, or a coward. He and I both thought very highly of those who withstood such challenges, such as John McCain, a noble Republican leader for so many years. I need and seek a leader who understands the challenges these wonderful people meet and honors that, not one who calls them names.
As an educator who has worked with and learned so much from so many students with various different abilities (yes, disabilities according to many), I need and seek a leader who has compassion for all of these amazing human beings whom G-d has fashioned, not one who makes fun of them.
As a woman who has had seven pregnancies, five of which had to be terminated due to inviable fetuses with serious deficiencies, in a state where I had and women still at this point have no problem getting needed medical attention, I need and seek a leader who will support the importance of women’s health, not seek to put the lives of ALL women in this situation in serious jeopardy.
As A Jew who is visible and public as such, I need and seek a leader who calls anti-Semitism what it is and does not validate those who would harm Jews. Further as a Human Being, which ALL JEWS are and must be, I feel the same in terms of protecting Muslims, all people of faith, all people of color and generally ALL people.
As someone who believes that watching our speech and its impact is critical, I need and seek a leader that does the same, not one that shows with their words, hand gestures, and body language that they do not care where their words land.
As an American who has been watching what is going on in our country with vitriol, destructive speech, and what feels to me (I statement) like playground bullying, I need and seek a leader who will address that and bring reason to this country.
As a parent and now as my children are parents, I need and seek a leader whom our children can watch and feel proud of, not one on whose account I need to turn off the media because I do not want them to think that such language is okay.
As a parent of children who identify as LGBTQ, and as a professional who works with so many in the LGBTQ world, I see the pain of those who can no longer live in states in this country where it is dangerous to live their lives. I am so grateful to the state of Massachusetts, where my daughters, their wives and little Raya Lev are living their best lives. I need and seek a leader who understands that G-d makes us the way G-d makes us and we are not to judge; not one who will continue to threaten the sanctity of life of so many of these wonderful people
As a caring and grateful resident of the USA and watching the hurricanes and the destruction they bring, I need and seek a leader who responds and works with reason, including with governors who have been less than respectful to them, working together to bring whatever relief possible as quickly as possible; not a leader who spreads disinformation and lies that have to take up additional energy to allow for reasonable responses.
As a person of privilege in terms of socio-economic success, I am grateful for the life my family is able to live. We have literally been taxed more than the incredibly wealthy in this country in a past administration. That being said, I need and seek a leader who sees and will work for all people across the socio-economic divide, not focus on those who share their preferred status.
Disagreement is part of the texture of a democracy. I need and seek a leader who understands that, will listen and try to accommodate, and yes, this may mean learning, which we should all be doing, and adapting to what is learned as well as compromising … not a leader who claims to know better than everyone, threaten to throw those who disagree with them in jail, not respond to states with leaders who do not support them, and so forth.
ISRAEL. Yes, I love Israel. I like MANY Israelis are not thrilled with many things happening in its government right now on a variety of levels. This war is horrible and the history is so complicated and the fissures that are present so deep. I too wish it would end, and with that the threat to too many lives. The hostages must come home. We all mourn about the many lives lost, and YES, as a human being I mourn all lives created in the image of G-d that have been lost. Terrorism is terrible and Israel lives in the impossible situation in which its threat is at all of its doors. As for this country, if the USA does not survive and maintain its identity as a leading democracy (from which position it has fallen unfortunately), then this will NOT bode well for Israel. I need and seek a leader who is willing to learn, negotiate, will listen to advisors, and not one who uses the situation to inflame divides that already threaten to break the back of THIS country.
Please, everyone, let’s work on the issues. Let’s THINK very carefully about what is at stake, the hatred that is rampant in the USA, the too large percentage of people who hate — If you have women in your family, you are people of color, you follow different religions, you have someone you love and care about who is differently abled, you or someone you love is a veteran, you or people you care about are immigrants, people you care about are in terrible medical financial debt,… in other words ALL of us…we are vulnerable and we are being threatened. I need and seek a leader who understands that, not one who adds to and fuels the threat.
I hope that I have not offended anyone and that we all are able to find our way to the important issues that impact all, and not add to the vitriol, committing misdeeds of speech in the coming year. Be well all and for the Jewish community, Gimar Hatima Tova — may we all be sealed for a year of peace, health, meaningful lives and many blessings from The One Who Created Us All.
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