Harry Joffe

The media and Jews — the “slips” continue

My last blog discussed the Tim Willcox “slip” where he appeared to justify anti-Semitism. For those of you who thought this was an isolated incident, I am afraid there is more. Swedish public radio was forced to apologize after a presenter, in the aftermath of the shooting of Dan Uzan in Denmark, asked ambassador Isaac Bachman on live radio: “Are Jews themselves responsible for the progression of anti-Semitism?” The ambassador correctly refused to dignify the question with a response and rejected it.

On 17th February the station removed the program from its online archive and issued a full apology. “We offer our fullest apologies for this question. It was misleading and put blame on individuals and on a vilified group. The Jewish community has suffered a horrible act of terror and has all our sympathy” the statement said.

This apology is all very well, but it seems that no action will be taken against the journalist? Would a journalist be treated so leniently if he/she was so blatantly hostile to any other religious/racial group and justified them being attacked?

About the Author
Harry Joffe is a qualified lawyer and tax advisor. He has an LLB, Higher Diploma in Tax and a Master's degree in Tax. Harry also writes prolifically on the tax side.