The Medias Bias
“In Israel, the Leftists fear Benjamin Netanyahu all over again, and since they’ve tried everything else, but he’s still standing, unbowed—it was time to go medieval on him. No worse. It was time to associate him with the most horrible name in the history of the world, Hitler.” [Arutz7 Op-Ed by Jack Engelhard on October 31, 2022]
“There is a tendency on the Left to see the conflict in the Middle East through the prism of critical race theory and intersectionality. This has led to widespread sympathy for the Palestinian war to destroy Israel and tolerance for anti-Semitism.” [Jonathan S. Tobin- and]
Perception is like a disease. It pervades the bureaucrats, many of whom are Leftist Jews living through perception rather than knowledge. Consider recent media headlines and then read its contents.
[1]Haaretz ” 74 % of Jewish voters view Trump, MAGA as ‘Threat to Jews in America’ ” by Ben Samuels.
[1] Jerusalem Post, “Nides: US will fight against Israel, Annexation attempts” by Lahav Harkov, Nov. 10, 2022.
[2] TOI, “Envoy says White House ‘will fight any Israeli West Bank annexation efforts'” by Tom Nides.
[3] Jerusalem Post, “Naphtali Bennet is responsible for the rise of Itamar Ben Gvir” – analysis by Yaakov Katz. “Instead of moderate religious right-wingers, Israel’s Knesset is now full of the religious extreme and radical right-wingers.”
[4] Arutz 7, “Baruch Marzel: 9/11 happened because Rabbi Kahane’s murder wasn’t investigated by Yoni Kempinski, Nov 11, 2022.
To understand Ben Gvir necessitates a study of his mentor Rabbi Meir Kahane Now any well-heeled Leftist would exclaim, “The Jew who hated Arabs.” In fact, Kahane is emphatically given to saying on numerous occasions that he did not hate Arabs, but loved Jews.
As living proof, one can view several YouTube interviews and speeches featuring Rabbi Kahane which confirms his statement. Of particular interest is “Firebrand Rabbi Meir Kahane debates Iraqi Dr. Mohammad T. Mehdi over Israel’s Future.” They were considered “respected” adversaries and they had appeared on dozens of TV shows discussing Middle East issues. The latter informed US District Judge, Michael Mukasey that although “we disagreed only 100%, nevertheless, we developed a feeling of comradeship.”
On JBS “L”Chayim”, Rabbi Mark S. Golum, the Founding President, CEO and Executive Producer of JBS speaks about and features Rabbi Kahane.
The war against radical Leftist extremism is ever present.
[2] Times of Israel, “Mainstream US Jewish Groups hint at unease with risk of Israel’s far right.”[TOI staff]
[3] NY Times, “The Israel we knew is gone. Only it is real—a rowdy alliance of ultra-orthodox leaders and ultra nationalist politicians, including some outright racist, anti-Arab Jewish extremists once deemed completely outside the norms of Israel and boundaries of Israeli politics.” [by the infamous Thomas L. Friedman]
[4] Jewish Telegraph Agency, “Israel’s election today and its high stakes for democracy” e.g. “the hawkish right wing—-the most extreme lawmakers in parliament since Meir Kahane—an openly racist, anti-Arab extremist.” [by Gabe Friedman]
[5] Haaretz, “Opinion: A Far-right Government Would Devastate Ties Between Israel and US Jews.—-The impact of last week’s Israeli election result on Diaspora Jewry could be devastating, perhaps even fatal. Benjamin Netanyahu must respect the bond Israel has with World Jewry and keep extremists out of his cabinet. Reading through the author Yitzhak Hess’s arrogant and lengthy diatribe, one has to wonder who is the extremist.
On May17, 2017, the Jewish Journal posted Dennis Prager’s, “Who is an anti-Semite?” Its relevance is very appropriate for contemporary times. Prager commences the article with, “The Jewish Left has been calling conservatives anti-Semites – not to mention, ‘fascists’ and ‘racists’–for as long as I have been alive. Yet, outside of the Muslim world, virtually all anti-Semitism and Israel hatred, comes from the Left.”
From the Hartman Institute, one reads the Liberal Yossi Klein Halevi’s “Lessons of Struggle for Soviet Jewry Remain Relevant [November 16, 2010]”.
At the onset Halevi informs the reader that he departed the aforementioned organization to join Rabbi Kahane and says, “The JDL’s undeniable achievement was to do precisely what Kahane promised: it placed the issue on page one by convincing a shameless media that the Soviet Jewry cause was ‘serious’ enough to inspire violence.”
Some time following Kahane’s assassination in 1975, his wife Libby authored a book on him, “Rabbi Meir Kahane His Life and Thought”. For Jewish Leftists who are inclined to engage in character assassination of those who were associated or follow Rabbi Kahane’s belief, a study of the subject book would be enlightening.
Jonathan S. Tobin, the Editor-In-Chief of JNS recently published ,”J Street’s new low: Calling supporters of Israel racists.” Tobin engages specific cases where politicians were able to engage the media in influencing issues less than favorable to Israel, at J Street’s beckoning.
Tobin reminds us that J Street’s purpose has always been to help a specific kind of Democrat gain power and use it as a weapon against Israel. “During the presidency of Barack Obama, that meant supporting every attack his administration launched against Israel, in addition to its efforts to appease Iran.”
The mere fact that J Street can monopolize the use of its slogan “pro Israel and pro peace” and embrace the outworn “Two-State Solution” in order to join forces with Peace Now and others of the same ilk, speaks volumes. Their actions enable them to gain membership of Leftist extremism.
In yet another excellent Tobin Op-Ed entitled “The Claim that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government will make life hard for Diaspora Jews ignores what motivates Zionism’s foes and other anti-Semites”, he concludes, “Those who support the right of a Jewish state to exist should stop apologizing for it not conforming to some idealized liberal vision of Zionism, and understand that the people who voted for Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir are just as deserving of respect and representation as they are.”
Dennis Prager’s, “Left wing Jews – a Jewish and American Tragedy” dates back to 11/06/2018. It could have been written today. It certainly makes understandable the malady we suffer from.
Prager introduces the origins of the “tragedy “by way of how it impacts present times. Jews have their roots in communism and socialism, commencing with Karl Marx, the grandson of 2 Orthodox rabbis and parents who underwent “pro forma conversions” to Christianity. His “On the Jewish Question” published in 1844 is known as one of the most anti-Semitic tracts of the 19th century.
Did he suffer from an inferiority complex? Did he seek security by embracing anti-Semitism? He described capitalism as coming into being” dripping with blood. Marx as well as Engels saw religion as a conservative force which prevented social change by creating false consciousness.
Dennis Prager provides further insight through an early left-wing Jew Leon Trotsky, who, along with Lenin, led the Bolshevik Party in Russia, was a catastrophe for Jews and for humanity. In 1920 when he was head of the Red Army, Moscow’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Jacob Mazeh, asked him to use the army to protect the Jews from pogromist attacks in which ten thousands of Jews were murdered. Trotsky is reported to have responded: “Why do you come to me? I am not a Jew” to which Rabbi Mazeh answered:”That’s the tragedy. It’s the Trotsky’s who make revolutions, and it’s the Bronstein’s who pay the price.”
Hence, many of the leaders of the movement to economically strangle Israel – the Boycott, Divest, Divest, Sanctions [BDS] movement – are left-wing Jews. In 1970, a Harris study showed that 23% of Jewish college students termed themselves “far left” versus 4% of Protestants and 2% of Catholics.
Give the rule that whatever the left touches, it ultimately ruins [the universities, for example], the Bornsteins will continue to pay the price for the Trotsky’s” revolution.
Rabbi Wein’s lecture on extremism has as its introduction. “All rumors and actions to the contrary notwithstanding, Judaism abhors extremism. The great rabbis and teachers of Israel have always preached moderation and the golden means of staying in the middle.”
In our times, the media has become an advocate for Left-wing extremism, not extremism of the Right-wing.