The New Swastika
Comparisons to the Holocaust have always been verboten. To even suggest a parallel or a portent in modern manifestations of antisemitism would reflexively draw immediate censure across the board. And indeed, despite the ugly rhetoric and sporadic but increasing attacks against Jews in the US, Europe, and elsewhere around the globe, nothing has approached the heinousness or the magnitude of what Hitler’s regime inflicted on our people.
Until now.
Activists in the Black Lives Matter movement and their intersectional allies, including the brainwashed hordes on college campuses following the script furnished them by Students for Justice in Palestine, have adopted the black silhouette of a parachutist as a symbol of their solidarity with “Palestine.” The image iconicizes the murderous rampage by Hamas terrorists who descended from the sky upon hundreds of young Israelis attending a music festival in a field in southern Israel. It is a symbol of jihad, plain and simple.
Before our soldiers had even arrived at their bases in response to the national call-up, before Israel had mounted a military response to the invasion – and while the country, huddled in bomb shelters, began to digest the carnage and account for all the casualties and the missing, including those taken hostage into Gaza – thousands across America and the world took to the streets to rally in support of Hamas, celebrating the butchering of Jewish babies and elderly.
October 7th’s well-planned and well-funded attacks marked in Jewish blood the worst atrocity against our people since the Holocaust. Comparisons to Nazism are not merely acceptable – they are imperative.
For those paying attention, the Palestinian agenda has never been a secret. Until now, Western supporters have either been misled by the propaganda or knowingly complicit but content to couch their support for terror – and hatred for Israel – in political, diplomatic, or “humanitarian” terms.
Now anyone who actually doubted what was meant by “Free Palestine” or “From the river to the sea” can claim ignorance no more. “We are calling for full liberation of all of Palestine.” “When people are occupied, resistance is justified.” “Globalize the intifada.”
Read the placards. See the swastikas. Listen to the chants. Watch the Palestinian flags used to attack Israel supporters. In Manhattan. Bay Ridge. San Diego. Atlanta. Chicago. Minneapolis. St. Louis. Houston. Dallas. Dearborn. Harvard. UCLA. U. Michigan. Queens College. Brooklyn College. Columbia. And on and on. Red cities, blue cities. Thousands shouting, glorifying the most barbaric attacks in Israel’s history. Out for more blood.
There’s more behind this naked pro-terrorism than successful propaganda. As documented in a new report by George Washington University entitled “The Hamas Network in America,” Hamas, working with the Muslim Brotherhood, began infiltrating the US in the 1980s, inserting their jihadist agenda into American Muslim communities, the US education system and academia and, of course, the halls of power in Washington and local governments, sowing a scrupulously shrouded radicalism which is now coming out from the shadows.
Reading the report is as chilling as watching videos of the protests-cum-riots filling the streets. It details the Hamas network’s plan for infiltration, including creating charitable-sounding front organizations, capturing the curriculum in Islamic children’s schools, propagandizing and fundraising, and “the development of a carefully crafted media strategy, defending Hamas without giving the impression of supporting violence.” “I swear by Allah that war is deception,” one of the senior leaders is overheard saying at a meeting wiretapped by the FBI.
The movement’s efforts have paid off. The sleeper cells are wide awake.
Can the same be said of the American people? Or even of American Jewry?