The Next US President and the Seven Visions

Are we witnessing another prophetic vision from William Marrion Branham from 1933? Only time will tell, but we need to be vigilantly watching and biblically discerning all that takes place in this upcoming election. In 1933, a controversial “prophet” claimed that he received seven visions from the Lord of events that would take place before the Lord’s return. The validity of these visions has been debatable due to a history of questionable behavior by Branham. I cannot speak of this man’s character, but I do know that a true prophet will not be popular, they will be obedient vessels of the Lord. We have personally received visions given by the Spirit and understand that many people will question your sanity when delivering them. “Are we really insane? It is for God’s sake.” 2 Corinthians 5:13 An obedient vessel will fear the Lord before they fear man. Biblically speaking, the prophets in the bible obeyed the Lord and realized that you cannot escape a call upon your life once the Lord has chosen you for His purpose. They will not be on stage speaking for profit as you see many false prophets doing today. They will be hiding in the caves due to their unpopular messages and warnings about what is coming as they proclaim right-living to those walking in the flesh. A true prophet will not seek a title to glorify themselves. They should acknowledge that they are servants for God’s purpose and remain humble in that duty. The prophet can become puffed up with pride in thinking the power of the anointing is from their own abilities and dismiss that God alone is the source. “Everything comes from God; everything exists by His power; and everything is intended for His glory.” Romans 11:36
What got our attention about Branham’s visions was that some of them were in line with visions my husband Jeremy has received, namely Russia and the fall of America. I will include the visions Branham received below and Jeremy’s journal entries of his visions as well. In addition, I will provide a link to Branham’s entire writing here for your review. “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7
“The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said that the coming of the Lord was drawing nigh, but that before He came, seven major events would transpire. I wrote them all down and that morning I gave forth the revelation of the Lord.” William Marrion Branham
- The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would “fall at his steps.” That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way. He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn’t have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was told.
- The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.
- The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, FACISM, Nazism, and Communism, but that the first two would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, “WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the King of the North.”
- The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel, and they were playing some sort of game to amuse themselves.
- The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote. Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men’s clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.
- Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.
- The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look, I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.
“Immorality, driverless cars, recent rise in the Catholic Church, and a potential woman president: the handwriting is on the wall. Where can the Bride find solace? In the Word!” William Marrion Branham
Without a doubt, we have seen most of these visions come to pass so there is no need to dwell on what already happened, but to look ahead at what is coming. I know there are many Trump followers that want to see “America Great Again” but that is not where we are headed in my opinion. I feel like we are about to witness the rise of a woman in great power, and the misalignment of man as head under Christ. “But I want you to understand that Christ is supreme over every man, the husband is supreme over his wife, and God is supreme over Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:3
Biden just announced that he would not seek office in November and was officially dropping out of the race to put forth his endorsement for Kamala Harris. Let’s not take our eyes off what’s going on offstage. Michelle Obama is standing out to me as a potential candidate, and it causes my spirit to wince. We have two completely different scenarios in these women. If Harris wins, she would be a female version of Biden in that she would be expertly controlled to carry out the agenda of the current democratic party. I do not see Harris taking office, she does not have a following nor does she possess the knowledge to speak on her own authority. I do however see Michelle Obama taking office, and if she became the first black female President, she would blow through those White House doors with a female fire of the likes those walls have never seen. There won’t be a ding-dong left in the kitchen cabinets, and everyone is going on a diet. In recent days, there has been some serious knocking over of the dominoes that should make everyone take notice. Are you telling me that Biden just recently became unfit to serve and that Trump just passed a class on self-control? I feel like we are watching the Lord move things around to make come to pass the prophetic warning of the fall of Babylon. We have just witnessed an assassination attempt made on Donald Trump that could not have come any closer to the kill shot than an ear graze. Are we witnessing the Lord put into place the next “King” or “Queen”? As I watched the behavior of Trump go from a self-righteous, prideful man to a man of restraint and humility, I am examining the fruits of his actions like a wine maker in a vineyard. Trump’s recent speech at the RNC showed a completely different man than the one that ran in the last election. After his speech I looked at my husband and said, “he said all the right things.” I was surprised, but I am not too quick to buy the cow until I have tasted the milk, and I’m not sure I feel confident to drink it in yet. I do feel that he was humbled by a bullet, but how long will that last? He was encouraged by Franklin Graham to not use foul language in his speech, although Trump stated that the story is better when you use it. A Christian will portray good fruits without being told to do so because they seek to please the Lord, not men. His self-control was that of the Spirit, but the desire to use foul language was that of the flesh. Are we witnessing a double-minded man that practices restraint only to get votes?
Less than an hour after Biden, 81, announced that he would no longer be seeking reelection on Sunday, July 21, Trump, 78, responded with a Truth Social post…
“Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President and is certainly not fit to serve-And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his basement,” he wrote. “All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t.” “We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly.” He concluded. “Make America Great Again!”
Pride is an ugly beast, and it is the downfall of most men. “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Awaken people and pray for God’s will to come swiftly. Let us not be deceived by our own agendas by signing our name on the image of man instead of on the promise of God. The fruits that I witness of the followers of Trump are anything but Christian behavior. They truly see red, and I’m not just talking about his tie. I have read the social media posts of people that claim to be a Christian, but their words are anger and slanderous filth. Do you not know your fruits expose you? Have you no self-control? I do not align with any candidate when their agenda does not align with God. Trump, Biden, Harris, and Obama all claim to be Christians, but what true follower of Christ does not fight for the life of an unborn child? How does killing God’s innocent children align with God’s will? It doesn’t. These are people that value the majority vote, over the sanctity of life. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15
Whoever becomes the next President of the United States will not be a surprise to the Lord that is in control of all things. Whether I support them or not, I am for God’s plan, and He is the Sovereign God over man and beast and all of creation. I trust Him to be my rock and my refuge in times of trouble, and I know where my home is. It is not this temporary place, so I will not dwell on this temporal life. My eyes are fixed on Him, creator of heaven and earth. Surrender to His authority and conduct yourselves with self-control in all holiness created in the likeness of God. “Everything that happens is part of God’s divine plan for our lives.” Ephesians 1:11