Xiao Junzheng

The real Xizang: China responds to a Times of IsraeI article

The autonomous region incorrectly referred to as Tibet has been an integral part of the territory of China since ancient times

Recently, The Times of Israel published a false article related to China’s Xizang autonomous region (referred to in the article as Tibet), which caused negative impacts. I would like to list the facts and present the real Xizang to our Israeli friends for your understanding of the Chinese government’s efforts in the development, prosperity, and people’s well-being of the Xizang autonomous region.

Xizang has been an integral part of the territory of China since ancient times, and its affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no external interference. After the peaceful liberation of Xizang, a democratic reform was carried out to abolish Xizang’s feudal theocratic serfdom, liberating millions of serfs and opening a new chapter in Xizang’s history. The socialist system was established and regional ethnic autonomy was implemented in Xizang, bringing historic changes to the region.

Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, Xizang has long enjoyed a booming economy, a harmonious and stable society, and effective protection and promotion of its culture and tradition. The rights and freedoms of all ethnic groups, including the freedom of religious belief and the freedom to use and develop their own spoken and written languages, are fully protected.

In the case of Xizang, due to its highly scattered population, children have to travel long distances to get to school, which is very inconvenient. But if more schools were built near students’ homes, it would be very difficult to recruit a sufficient number of teachers to ensure the quality of teaching in each school. To deal with this issue, the local governments set up boarding schools to guarantee all children’s equal right to education. It is entirely up to the students and their parents whether to go to boarding schools or not. Furthermore, schools offer courses on traditional culture, such as the Tibetan language, literature, and folk dance. The schools provide traditional food and students are allowed to wear traditional dresses at school.

Tibetan Buddhism has a glorious tradition of patriotism and a complete set of religious rituals and historical norms governing the reincarnation of Living Buddhas, which has been respected and upheld by the Tibetan Buddhist community. The Chinese government manages religious affairs in accordance with the law, rendering external interference completely unwarranted. No one and no force should ever attempt to destabilize Xizang to contain China. Such attempts will never succeed.

The article in question compared Xizang to Gaza and falsely claimed that China adopts a “colonization strategy” in Xizang. Xizang and Gaza are completely different. The false allegation is not only groundless but also malicious. The 14th Dalai Lama mentioned in the article is not purely a religious figure, but a political exile engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the cloak of religion. China firmly opposes any organizations that support and embolden the anti-China separatist activities of Dailai.

The so-called “Tibetan government-in-exile” is entirely an organized separatist group with the political agenda of “Tibetan independence.” It is an illicit organization that violates China’s Constitution and laws, with absolutely no recognition from any country. Students for a Free Tibet, a “Xizang independence” organization mentioned in the article, once sent members to China to conduct sabotage activities. I hope The Times of Israel can see through the anti-China nature of “Xizang independence” separatists and organizations and refuse to be blinded and used by them.

The majestic Himalayas have witnessed huge changes of Xizang after their peaceful liberation and the Yarlung Tsangpo River echoes flows of Xizang’s unprecedented development and progress in the new era. The social and economic progress of Xizang epitomizes the nation’s outstanding achievements in development, created on the “roof of the world” through the Chinese path to modernization. I hope that friends across Israeli society can have a clear view of the nature of Xizang-related issues, firmly oppose political manipulation, and support China’s just position by refusing to offer any form of support to the anti-China separatist forces of “Xizang independence”.

About the Author
XIAO Junzheng is the ambassador of The People’s Republic of China to the State of Israel