The Role of the Patriarchs
Parshat Va’era contains the first seven of the Ten Plagues. Hashem prefaces his actions with an explanation of the role of the Patriarchs.
He tells Moshe how Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yakov, laid the foundation not only for the Jewish people, but for the world. Each of the Avot, made their own special contribution.
Avraham Avinu taught the world to recognize the Creator, and to spread His Name throughout the world. Yitzchak sanctified G-d’s Name, by his willingness to be offered as a sacrifice. He showed that G-d is actively involved with the world.
Yakov taught the importance of innocence, simplicity, and truth. Man would be successful if he remained humble in his service of Hashem.
The Patriarchs managed to infuse spirituality to a world that needed to start over again after the devastation of the flood.
In Egypt, a new phase had begun, where people could learn how to “know G-d” on a different level. He would be less abstract when they were able to see His mighty hand. There would be no doubt that the world is completely controlled by G-d. We are so small and insignificant compared to the Al-mighty. This was the purpose of the Egyptian experience. Through Moshe’s leadership, the knowledge of the One true G-d, filled the earth.