The Story Behind Today’s Victories
These are truly new times for us. When has there ever been a generation amongst our ancestors that have woken up to hear good news about the strengthening of our borders. With the fall of the Assad regime, which to no coincidence is the result of a rigged election in 2020. Hindsight is truly powerful, especially once we start connecting the dots. Were it not for the corruption within the US government over the last half century, who knows what the reason for today’s events would’ve been? Were it not for the rise of the Mullahs in Iran in the 70s, would Hezbollah even be a word in our vocabulary? And so we can go back to all the causes that led to its effect throughout history.
History is as important as lifetime hindsight. Just as we learn from our past mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future, the same is with the structure of the world. We come to understand what people in a civilized society did while they were unstoppable and what was their behavior during the downfall. We get to look back at how the religious groups got together in the aftermath rebuilding their communities in new countries and how they prospered under a new kingdom. We read the stories of the emperors and try to understand their life in order to figure out their motives. We compare all of that knowledge to our lifetimes and use this knowledge as tools for betterment. In order not to repeat those same mistakes, and maybe even seeing ahead in time, understanding how to build generations of people who will be able to contend with their generation’s issues.
As the Jewish nation lives on, so do the stories that make us who we are. Much like I tell my children the stories of the Torah and dive deeply into the psychology of those great characters of the past, so too, is the knowledge of today’s moment important as well. For my kids to understand the meaning of being a Jew is for them to see Jews living as Jews. We are the chosen people and I can prove it with a simple question, “How can you explain our history?” The history of our people is one where God Himself comes around every few years and nudges us in a certain direction. We can move in that direction naturally, by living with complete orthodoxy to our belief in Him, or by forgetting about Him and He reluctantly sends us reminders. We were called His firstborn in Exodus 4:22, and as the first we carry the responsibility of the family, i.e. the rest of the world.
We see him throughout our life as well. Just like we can use world history and apply their lessons to our personal lives, there too, do we get to see God’s hand. Each one of us has a reason for being in this world at this exact moment. Who knows what debts are being repaid for our ancestors’ suffering. It is us, Am Yisrael, that are witnessing the downfall of evil regimes, and it is through God that we will all return to Him with a complete heart. Throughout our day to day struggles, either financials, health, relationships, children, friends, enemies, spirituality, we are woken up by God and being directed in our lives. It is as if the goal we strive for stands above us, signaling down to us. Every moment in our lives can be experienced living with our belief, which as a result will direct us all as one to the next volume in our story.
We can either find Him on our own and show him off to the world, or He will remind us on the world stage that that is what we are meant to do. How with the gift of the spread of information we all found ourselves. There is one Jewish community that shares the same knowledge. Up until today we shared the same books and throughout the years noticed how similar our history was no matter where we lived. But today we share a common pride in our hearts and the holiest belief in our souls. Yes, there are still many who need to be woken up from the world illusionary matrix, but as a saying, I am coining right now, goes, “Love is stronger than rust.” If rust has the ability to latch onto everyone in its path, love can surely win over hate.
Waking up to the sound of victory to Israel is a steady process. Much like when someone goes through a bad day, his phone cracks, his car crashes, his credit card declines, etc. and thinks it can’t get any worse but then ends up finding out, the same is with winning. When we win in one area we are absolutely overcome by joy, we don’t even think about anything else that is a problem, we are engulfed in the moment, much like when the guy’s phone cracked. It is later when we are just ready to move on and deal with it, that the next thing happens. We should remember to anticipate what comes next, so we don’t get carried away with our victory.
Victory for us is a return to the days of Moses and King David. It is when we all stand as one with the complete faith in God like Abraham taught us. Victory is when the world knows this for a fact and has not the ability to question the facts. We should be thankful on such days and be grounded in our belief in Him. Let us prove ourselves right this time and not resort to Deut 32:15, “Where Israel has gotten fat and kicked Him out of the party.” I paraphrase. Our history has taught us that it is not our arms that fight wars, it is God Himself who raises the poor and lowers the nobles. When we see miracles through world events we must check internally and see what we have done to merit this result. And as we grow together as the one and only Jewish community, which includes every one of us around the entire globe, we will know collectively, “Like one person in One heart,” what we have done.
We can already see the amount of faith and belief that is circulating around the world, in person and online. We see the pride and joy of being Jewish with every demographic and sect. So many have started keeping Shabbat and are noticing that the water is hot and the beer is cold. What one person can do today a village couldn’t in the past, but the voices of those villages are being echoed around the world today. With one button we voice ourselves to millions of people, teaching the truth of mankind to the world. With everlasting soundbites and images we can deliver the messages of unity and peace, and broadcast the prayers of love and faith. The words of our ancestors will be heard and through each one of us doing our part as the firstborn, we will merit to see God through goodness.
We have gone through so much and the truth is the answer has been with us all along. It is now or never and we must finally do it. We must rise up to the occasion and make our Grandfather Abraham proud. We must be obsessed with our belief and work toward the day that we will merit the prophecies to come to pass. We must focus our every breath to remove all clouds, and the curtain of iron, that separates us from our dear Father in heaven. Each one of us is a trilogy on a bookshelf, every community’s history is a library, and our story is one of light in the face of darkness that fills the entire world through continents and time. We are coming together and the end of our exile is soon coming to a close. We are witnessing the ten plagues–enjoy!
David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Writer and Hypnotherapist. He can be reached at