Steve Kramer

The Taming of the Jew

Tuvia Tenenbom is an expat Israeli who has lived in Germany and elsewhere for many decades, working as a journalist and author. Holding many academic degrees, Tuvia is also a playwright, essayist, and the founding artistic director of the Jewish Theater of New York. Tuvia has a very idiosyncratic style. His sardonic personality goes well with his cherubic appearance, and the reader is soon caught up in Tuvia’s droll reporting of mundane encounters with people all around the world. His latest book, “The Taming of the Jew,” features people from Ireland and Britain. The thing is, most of those interviewed either know almost nothing about what they are saying, or are consciously spreading vicious, false narratives about Israel and Israelis. 

Tuvia usually impersonates a reporter of any convenient nationality, even Arab. Besides the major topic of Jews, Tuvia is curious about Britain’s hesitant exit from the EU after the successful referendum. Below are some illustrative examples of his style.


Shane, the president of Trinity College’s Student Union, says the Union approved BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement) against Israel by a two-thirds majority. In fact, there should be no trade with Israel, period. Why? The Gazans have been abused by Israels for decades and Trinity’s students don’t want to be part of it. Tuvia asks Shane, have you been to Israel? No, but he was told all this by Palestinians. And also, the Israeli government shoots Palestinian children. Hamas denies that Hamas fires rockets at Israeli citizens, and that’s the truth. 

The mayor of Dublin flies the Palestinian flag over City Hall to show solidarity with the Palestinians. He hasn’t been to Israel but he has a reasonable idea about it, says he. The Irish government wants to help the suffering Palestinians. The mayor admits that atrocities are done in various countries, but only Israel is criticized because, “We can’t be consumed with every misery” out there. Palestine is enough.


In Edinburgh, Tuvia meets two officials of a Hebrew congregation who are eager to share with him how great it is to be a Jew in Scotland. The congregation’s chairman says, “I don’t recall actually at any time having any anti-Semitic comment made to me, directly or indirectly.” The rabbi concurs. There are about 5,000 Jews in Scotland, about 1,000 of them in Edinburgh. About 40 attend Shabbat morning services and there are 12 students in Sunday school. 

Tuvia tells them that he doesn’t buy their rosy picture. The rabbi admits that life isn’t really so good. The Church of Scotland has a very negative outlook on Israel, denies Jews’ claims to their homeland, and avers that Israel should be boycotted as an apartheid state. Consequently, the Jewish community and the Church are not talking to each other. The Church loves Palestine.


Newcastle is the first English city Tuvia visits. Students at the local university were given white T-shirts encouraged by their student societies to write whatever they chose on them. Tuvia observed that the swastikas and anti-Semitic hate slogans were often the students’ choice. (The T-shirt activity at Newcastle U. is just one of several instances of this racist behavior.)

In Leeds, Tuvia talks with some older Jews who tell him that they feel very welcomed by their non-Jews neighbors. But later on, they change their tune, saying that, “It’s inbred in them – they hate us.” Similar to Scottish Jews, English Jews say everything is great, but if you continue talking to them, they tell you that everything is a disaster.

Tuvia discovers the common attitude of Jewish parents in Manchester: “What do you want me to do? If I tell you about the anti-Semitic attacks that we experience here, you’ll write about them, inviting copycats, and more people will attack us. If I tell you that everything’s good, hopefully it will be good.”

Liverpool. With a Labour member, a Jewish Dame Commander of the British Empire, Tuvia asks, “Is Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite, yes or no?” She replies, “I don’t know what is in his heart but I do know that he has presided over the growth of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. I think [Jeremy] has a blind spot understanding leftist anti-Semitism.” Tuvia mentions to her that Corbyn believes that Jews have no right to their own country, Israel. “Correct,” she says. Tuvia asks, “Would you agree with the definition stating that denying the right of Israel to exist is anti-Semitic?” Dame, “The definition is correct.” This goes on a while. All she will admit is, “He’s acting like an anti-Semite.” Later, Tuvia asks her husband if Corbyn is an anti-Semite and receives the reply, “Yes, he is.” Then Tuvia asks, “Does your wife tell you that Corbyn’s an anti-Semite?” Again, he answers, “Yes.”

Shrewsbury: Walking around, Tuvia meets Alex, who says he cares about international issues. “Not long ago, the Israeli army killed forty Palestinian children in just one day… I think the establishment of the State of Israel was wrong. They came in and took over a country, Yes, this is a difficult story… The Holocaust is a big rabbit hole. History is always written by the victors, so you can’t really tell. Did the Germans kill the Jews? Not all agree. Did Hitler order to kill the Jews? There’s no evidence for that. And if some Jews were killed, how many were there? That’s another rabbit hole…. I read a lot about Israel, not about the others [countries]. I think you’re right [that] I’m not interested in the others. I’m just not. I don’t know why.”

Tuvia met many “higher class” Brits who wanted a second Brexit referendum, because they said the ones who voted “for” were “cheated” and didn’t realize the consequences. This undemocratic attitude eventually lost out and there was no additional vote. 

Tuvia had this to say about the European Brexit negotiators: “The most conspicuous trait that they exhibit nowadays is crude cruelty, combined with a sheer pleasure at humiliating the other side, the Brits. The humiliating conditions they impose on the Brits, over and over, will not be forgotten by the Brits when all this is over. Today the Europeans are laughing, joyful at the sight of the beaten Theresa May, but one day they will regret it, when it will be too late to change anything. With their ruthless actions today, they are planting the seeds for the next war inside Europe. The bad blood between the EU and the UK today could mushroom into hatred in the next generations and, if history is any guide, the next step is war.” As Tuvia implies, in Europe war is never unexpected or undeserved.

Tuvia’s books are worthwhile reads. His canny ability to get strangers to reveal their innermost thoughts lets us know what Jews and Israelis are up against. Tuvia has written other similar books. His first in this series was “I Slept in Hitler’s Bed” describing contemporary Germany; “Catch the Jew!” how Jews are described by Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews; “The Lies they Tell” what Americans think about Jews, and now “The Taming of the Jew,” Tuvia’s most recent book. You can get Tuvia’s books from Gefen Publishing House ( or and others.

About the Author
Steve Kramer grew up in Atlantic City, graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1967, adopted the hippie lifestyle until 1973, then joined the family business for 15 years. Steve moved to Israel from Margate, NJ in 1991 with his family. He has written more than 1100 articles about Israel and Jews since making Aliyah. Steve and his wife Michal live in Kfar Saba.
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