Leon Moscona

The Tora of the Current Messiah – XIV

From the Cover of the book The Path of the Diviner Rainbow by Leon Moscona. The full Cover of the book is below the text. Design of the Cover - Svetlana Gushmakova.

The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path

After the initial illumination of the Path of the Divine Rainbow, I meditated intensively on this vision and it developed in much greater detail. It became The Nine-Fold Path of the Divine Rainbow and developed into the biggest section, Part Two (about 140 pages), of the book The Second Coming. Here perhaps it is reasonable to quote the Introduction to Part Two, which sheds some light on the Rainbow Path and its great potential.

‘In one or another way every world religion leads its followers on the path of ascension to the reality of the Kingdom of God. Each one gives beautiful descriptions of the higher worlds and precise methods and spiritual practices for achieving its Divine goals. Moreover, most of the religions, especially in our epoch, are open, appreciative and tolerant to all other spiritual traditions. They acknowledge that in essence of G-d, the Absolute Truth is one and the same and that finally all paths lead to this ultimate Divine Truth.

The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path emphasises the diversity in unity and pursues the initiations of all world religions as one of its main aims. It places special emphasis on the harmony between the process of ascending to the Kingdom of God and the process of descending to bring this celestial reality down on Earth. At the climax of the Rainbow Path is the Divine union between the Universal masculine principle, personified by the Divine Father and the Universal feminine principle, manifested by the Divine Mother, which places the balance between these two Universal principles at the foundation of Creation and our spiritual work.

Initially, we could start the Path from any spiritual tradition, but as the journey goes on, especially after the Third Step, we have to embrace all other paths as an organic part of our continuing spiritual ascent. The cherished aim of the integration of all spiritual traditions gives a special fragrance to the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path and opens new dimensions of mystical experience. The ultimate goal of the Rainbow Path, however, is to merge with the I AM that I AM, who through the CREATOR in Keter of Beriah re-creates the whole world.

The Book of Revelation by St. John plays a very important constructive role in the presentation of the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path. In almost every chapter there are relevant quotations with interpretations and comments. This is not by chance, because on the one hand, the conception of the New Creation was introduced in the Book of Revelation, and on the other hand, the Book of Revelation describes the spiritual history of humankind, the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, and the mystery of the Second Coming in very profound mystical visions, symbols and archetypal ideas. Substantial material from each of the main world religions is included in the present book as well. The Path of the Divine Rainbow aims to create mutual understanding and organic integration of all spiritual traditions, and for this purpose the chapters in this section contain many extended quotations from various traditions in order to give clear evidence about their primordial unity and common purposes.

The Nine Steps of the Rainbow Path are presented in the nine chapters of this second part of the book. These chapters outline the general conception of the Rainbow Path by explaining the essence of each one of the Steps. This is achieved by introducing some main archetypes, categorial constructions, key-polarities and theoretical models which structure each Step as a domain for future spiritual work. Based on this structuring, I formulate the main spiritual goals and tasks related to the Steps.

As to the method – how to achieve the goals of each one of the Steps – it is an important question which requires presentation in a special book. In this section however, it is appropriate to give some guidelines. For this purpose, at the end of each chapter, I am  introducing the format of the spiritual work and the methods which will enable us to achieve the goals of the Step.

The whole journey on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path can be compared with a climbing expedition to the Himalayas. The three-fold vertical structure of the Universe, with its supramundane worlds and shining summits of initiation (that is, the states of consciousness reaching the highest Divine world, symbolised by the Sacred Mountain), could be interpreted as ‘Spiritual Himalayas’. We have to cross these Spiritual Himalayas – i.e., to ascend through the whole vertical structure of the Universe to the top of the Sacred Mountain – in order to reach ‘the other side’ and to enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. So, in a similar way as the climbers carefully prepare themselves for the forthcoming expedition, embark on the journey itself, build many camps before reaching the Summit and after the conquest come back full of amazing experiences, the participants in the spiritual journey on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path have to prepare themselves thoroughly, make their Exodus from the restricted earthly consciousness, start the spiritual climbing Step by Step on the Path and after reaching the climax of the Divine Rainbow enter into the New Reality.

One of the most appropriate and adequate formats for work on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path is the pattern of a One-year Spiritual School, consecrated to every Step. We could present the ideas of the Rainbow Path in a great variety of forms, ranging from single lectures and one or two day seminars, through a variety of initiatic cycles (from three days up to a month) and Summer camps, up to one-year (or even longer) Spiritual Schools. The format of the One-year Spiritual School on every Step provides a good basis to introduce the metaphysical content of the Step and to develop the skills which will enable us to achieve its goals.

Here it is appropriate to outline the pattern of the One-year Spiritual School in a general way, and after each Step to concretise this pattern in accordance with the essence of the Step. Each spiritual school begins in the Autumn and finishes the following Summer. According to an ancient spiritual tradition, the Autumn is a very appropriate time for ‘going inside’ and for spiritual learning (in harmony with the inward seasonal flow of the energy in Nature). So, at the Autumn Equinox (22nd September), or soon after this major Sun festival, the Spiritual School can be inaugurated and the participants could start their regular gatherings on a weekly, monthly and seasonal basis.

The weekly gatherings may consist of two meetings, of about two-three hours each, one of them consecrated to the theoretical aspects of the Step, and the other to the practical aspects. The meetings consecrated to the theoretical aspects include lectures, presentations, sharing, discussions, etc. They aim at introducing the spiritual essence of the Step and its place in the wholeness of the Rainbow Path. An important part of the theoretical work is to become familiar with the cosmological structures described in the book The Second Coming and the content of the main quoted books, such as The Way of Kabbalah (Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi), The Universal Meaning of the Kabbalah (Leo Schaya), Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda), Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism (Lama A. Govinda), Inner Secrets of the Path (S. Amuli), The Apocalypse (Interpretation by Rudolf Steiner), and others. The cosmological structures presented in these books, lay the foundation for the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path and give it spiritual substance. At a more advanced stage of their theoretical work, the participants in the School will be encouraged to undertake some individual spiritual projects in order to unfold their own creative potential.

The second of the weekly meetings concentrates on the practical aspects of the Step. The participants in the Spiritual School have to develop an appropriate style of life and qualities which will enable them to ascend to the higher levels of Being.

The practical work includes talks, sharing and discussions about almost all aspects of human life – from our daily routines right up to the strategic questions for the journey on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path. One of the most important tasks in the practical work is to develop the ability to meditate. For this purpose, these gatherings will include different types of meditation, spiritual ceremonies and rituals, sacred dance, channelling from the higher worlds, communions with the Divine Spirit and the Divine Masters.

The gatherings on a monthly basis include workshops, seminars, excursions and pilgrimages to sacred places. These activities will help us to deepen the theoretical and practical aspects of the work, to establish a harmonious relationship with Nature, and to feel the energy of the Earth and the spiritual presence in sacred places. The extended weekend gatherings will reinforce the experience of the spiritual work as a journey on the Path.

The celebration of Yom Kippur, Christmas, Easter, Vesak, the Sun and Moon festivals such as Spring and Autumn Equinox, Summer Solstice, the Full Moon in May (Vesak festival) and others, is an organic part of the work in the School. They could become very important events in the Spiritual School, integrating the results of the activities from the previous weeks and months. So, the programme of the School has to be arranged in accordance with the seasons in Nature and the established structure of the spiritual calendar.

The Summer Gathering, which can take different forms of extended communal life, is the culmination of the annual work in the School. The opportunity to live together, to meet the Sunrise, to dance, to meditate, to discuss, to have many informal meetings and cultural activities could make the Summer Camp one of the most joyful and unforgettable event in our life. On the one hand, the Summer gathering is the conclusion of the Spiritual School and results in Initiation and achievement of the goals of the Step. On the other hand, it prepares us and sows the seeds for the Spiritual School on the next Step which will be inaugurated in the Autumn. Thus, the Summer Gathering becomes the biggest event in the annual work and serves as a bridge from school to school on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path.

The described framework of the one-year spiritual school consisting of weekly, monthly and seasonal gatherings will have a different content for each one of the Steps. Obviously, the actual schools will take shape in accordance with the spiritual essence of the Step, the participants, the specified spiritual purposes and many other factors. One could imagine the great possibilities for spiritual schools-journeys on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path.

Moreover, the Steps on the Path are not crystallised and encapsulated within themselves. In fact, each Step projects itself onto all others and all others are projected onto it. This holistic principle opens endless possibilities for mutual projections and for the unfolding of each Step through the prism of the whole Rainbow Path. As a result, we could go deeper and deeper into the essence of every Step experiencing through it the richness of all others. On this important holistic principle the whole Nine-Fold Rainbow Path is built and this principle directs the spiritual activities in each one of the schools. From this perspective, the schools on each Step are open for everyone who is interested, but, of course, the participants will receive in accordance with their level of spiritual development and commitment.

Finally, it is important to emphasise that the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path is not only a blessing for forgiveness of sins and a preparation for Good News from Heaven. It is the Good News itself! It invites us to meet the New Comings of the Divine Masters, to return to the Kingdom of God and to work for the establishment of this celestial reality down on Earth.’  

About the Author
Leon was born on August 15, 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His family was victim of a Holocaust Ghetto. His father Issak Moscona became a distinguished author of many articles and books about the Sephardic culture. Leon is on a spiritual journey for more than 50 years. Achieving Enlightenment, he described it in more than twenty books, many articles, and more than 500 lectures in various countries in Europe and USA.
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