Leon Moscona

The Torah of the Current Messiah – X

The 'Table-Altar' for esoteric prayer and meditation with the spiritual Friends. Source: Personal photo.

Esoteric Work with Friends

The lectures and workshops, organised by Matthew Finnegan in the Theosophical Society, were an important part of my exoteric public activities. At the same time, the Theosophical Society building was made available to me for special esoteric work. Thus, with a few friends, we established a good tradition to go to the Theosophical Society premises and to have a noon prayer-meditation there. Altogether in the autumn of 1988 we had nine noon prayer-meditations (from October 28 until December 5), consecrated to the activation of the New Celestial Reality on Earth. Among the themes of these ‘services’ were The Heavenly Assembly, The Celestial Archetypes from the Book of Revelation, Worship in Heaven, The Divine Wedding, Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Initiation of the Master Beinsa Douno, the Three Testaments, the Great Invocation channelled by Alice Bailey, Spiritualisation and Illumination of the Earth, and others.

Usually, we would gather around noon at the Theosophical Society premises and start our spiritual service as a group of friends. On the table I would put candles, pictures, icons, sacred objects and Holy Scriptures, appropriate for the theme. For instance, among them were the Bible, the book The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light, the book The Circle of Sacred Dance (Paneurhythmy), icons and souvenirs from Jerusalem, the figure of the Pentagram, a picture of the Master Beinsa Douno, images of Irish Saints, medallion from the Order of Melchizedec, Hindu fragrances, crystals, Holy Water (from Shealahs Well around Matthew’s house) and others.

I would present the theme and prepare the music and the readings. The readings were mainly from the Bible, the Book of Revelation, the Gospels, and some other Holy Scriptures (for instance, The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light by the Master Beinsa Douno); the prayers were Psalm 91 (as text and with music by the Master Beinsa Douno), Our Father (in as many languages as possible), Hail Mary, The Good Prayer by the Master Beinsa Douno, the Great Invocation; the spiritual mantras and formulas were from the world religions and the Master Beinsa Douno; the music comprised of masterpieces from Monteverdi – Vespers, Bach – Mass in B-Minor, Handel – Oratorio The Messiah, Beethoven – the 9th Symphony, songs of the Master and others. Then, according to the programme, I guided the service, alternating between the readings, the prayers, the music, the mantras and the spiritual formulas. Of course, the purpose was to enter into the vibrations of the World of Creation (Beriah).

These noon meditations were like a creative laboratory for new types of prayer-meditation in accordance with the spiritual essence of the new epoch. Each service had a unique spiritual atmosphere and vibration. Altogether, the spiritual presence in these meditations was very powerful, with many new vibrations coming from the Celestial Worlds and from our personal spiritual experiences. As living seeds these meditations developed further in a great variety of rituals and ceremonies. For instance, the noon meditation, consecrated to the spiritualisation and illumination of the Earth, developed into ceremonies of initiation with the Four Elements (fire, air, water and earth) permeated by the Divine Spirit.

Here it is interesting to recall the painting, depicting the metaphysical ideas of the Order of the Star (Please see, the Featured Image of the Post: The Dawn of the New Heavenly Jerusalem Cycle – III).  In this context, our noon prayer-meditations, with music, spiritual formulas and prayers were very well inscribed in the preparation for meeting the World Teacher or the Integral Messiah and experiencing the coming New Reality. Often after the noon meditations we would go for lunch and have inspiring spiritual conversations and discussions.

In June 1989, after moving to Montessori Centre, I continued the services of the ‘Celestial Assembly’ on Earth. From June 8 until July 26, I held an interesting cycle of eleven noon prayer-meditations. Because June is connected with the appreciation of the Holy Spirit, I consecrated many of our services to communion with the Divine Spirit through the four Elements – Fire, Air, Water and Earth. The main idea was to link with the Four Days of Creation in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and with the Four Elements of the New Heaven and the New Earth, according to the last book of the Bible – the Book of Revelation.

The Communions with the Divine Spirit were like initiations through the Elements in the Old and the New Testaments. Every communion had two parts – macro and micro. The macrocosmic part was linked with the Elements in the Earthly life; the microcosmic part was linked with our personal communion with the Divine Spirit. In comparison with the spiritual services in the Theosophical Society, these noon prayer-meditations were more elaborate and extended. The task was to introduce the metaphysical substance of the Heavenly Jerusalem on Earth through the Four Elements generated by the Divine Spirit.

In essence, the Elements on this celestial level of Being, are aspects of the universal consciousness within which the higher worlds of Divine will, actions, emotions and thought-forms take shape. So, when we speak about the Elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth of the Heavenly Jerusalem, we mean the celestial worlds of Divine life-energy, Divine thought-forms, emotions and actions. The substance of these Elements then is pure Spirit. We find some keys for understanding the Four Elements, which form the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem, in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter 21 it is said:

The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God shines on it, and the Lamb is its lamp. (Revelation 21: 23) There shall be no more night, and they will not need lamps or sunlight, because the Lord God will be their light. (Revelation 22:5)

If we compare these visions with the fourth day of Genesis when G-d created ‘the sun, the moon and the stars to rule over the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness’ (Genesis 1:16-18), we will realise that the Divine Spirit itself is the great Cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets. The Light radiating from this eternal Cosmic-spiritual Sun enlightens the whole Universe. If the light of our physical Sun gives life on Earth, then the light emanating from the Cosmic-spiritual Sun is the life itself in Creation. Therefore, the element Fire in the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem is the SREATOR, who as the great Cosmic-spiritual Sun, radiates eternal Light. The Spirit, radiating through the Divine Mother, makes this Light a source of life in all levels of Being. In a similar way, based on the last Chapters of the Book of Revelation, I interpreted the other Elements of the Holy City – Air, Water and Earth. Altogether, the description of the Elements of the Heavenly Jerusalem, as the higher metaphysical and mystical vibrations of the Earthly Elements, was inspiring and revealing.

As before, on the improvised ‘altar-table’ I put candles, holy oil from Jerusalem, holy water (from a Holy Well near Sligo), fragrances, crystals, icons, images of the Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Mother, Holy Scripture, sacred objects (for instance, a replica of the Arc of the Covenant), photos from Holy Places (Jerusalem, Glendalough, Tara, Glastonbury), photos of Sacred Mountains (Kailas, Rila Mountain in Bulgaria, Machu Picchu) and others.

According to the prepared programme for the service, we would read verses from the Book of Genesis, the Gospels, the Book of Revelation and other Holy Scriptures. Between the readings, I would guide the friends through an improvised meditation with prayers, spiritual formulas, mantras and music. The music included parts from Handel (the Oratorio Messiah), Bach (Chorales, Mass B-Minor), Mozart (Symphony 41, Jupiter), Beethoven (Symphony 5), Smetana (Vltava), Songs by the Master Beinsa Douno, music from the Paneurhythmy, Irish spiritual music (performed by Noirin Ni Riain), Russian Orthodox music and others. The spiritual atmosphere in our prayer-meditations was very sacred and inspiring indeed! I looked forward to our gatherings with great joy and enthusiasm – they were living services of the Celestial World of the Heavenly Jerusalem on Earth!

Finally, the last service in this series was Purification and Illumination of the Earth: in it we appreciated the Earth as our Mother Earth, Gaia, Who permeates the Four Elements with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit and becomes the Garden of Paradise where the enlightened humankind will continue its evolution. Interestingly, this prayer-meditation was performed on July 26, 1989, – exactly three years after my arrival in London from Bulgaria, and approximately two years (July 23, 1987) after my first public lecture in Dublin, which determined my destiny in Ireland. With great appreciation and deep emotional feelings, I dedicated this service to the Will of God and expressed my warm thanks to Heavens and to my Irish and English friends on Earth.

We continued our esoteric work in the autumn of 1989 and further, up to the summer of 1992. The gatherings were very inspiring and rich and corresponded perfectly to the essence of ‘Celestial Assemblies’ on Earth. It is difficult to describe the variety of themes and content of all these gatherings. They included esoteric celebrations of the great spiritual festivals – Christmas, Easter, Vesak, St. Patrick Day and others, marking important planetary events like the entry into the sign of ‘Pisces’, the  metaphysical link with special aspects of the planet ‘Uranus’, the appreciation of the coming New Epoch of  Aquarius, etc. With prayer and meditation, we also tried to counterbalance important international events such as the war in Iraq – from ‘Holy War?!’ to Eternal Peace!

A substantial part of our esoteric work was consecrated to the Exodus of the living souls from the restricted earthly consciousness, the ascent to the Top of the Sacred Mountain, the entry into the Heavenly Jerusalem through Mandala Meditation and Feminine Mandala Meditation, the mystical mergence with Metatron and ultimately with the Absolute Origin of Being – the I Am that I Am. In essence, the purpose was to experience the Axis Mundi of the new Heavenly Jerusalem cosmic cycle!

About the Author
Leon was born on August 15, 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His family was victim of a Holocaust Ghetto. His father Issak Moscona became a distinguished author of many articles and books about the Sephardic culture. Leon is on a spiritual journey for more than 50 years. Achieving Enlightenment, he described it in more than twenty books, many articles, and more than 500 lectures in various countries in Europe and USA.
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