Leon Moscona

The Torah of the Current Messiah – XV

Three Lectures on the Nine-fold Rainbow Path in Mount-Herbert- Hotel. Source:

Announcing the Rainbow Path

I received my illumination of the Rainbow Path at the beginning of December 1990. Thankfully, I was invited by my friends Marie and Jim to give the World Peace Day Talk on the December 31, 1990 in the Carmelite Church, Whitefriar Street, Dublin. I wanted to share the good news about the Rainbow Path with the Irish people. So, I decided to use the opportunity and gave a talk called The Path of the Divine Rainbow. In it I also shared my visions in Glendalough, Tara and my dream with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the World Peace Day Talk I expressed my firm conviction that Ireland has a very important role to play in the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The beauty and purity of Ireland as a land, the mystical depths of the Irish spiritual history and culture, the great devotion and warm-heartedness of the Irish people – all these features could make Ireland an ideal model for the fulfillment of this Divine Task.

I summarized my spiritual experiences and visions as an invitation from G-d to all of us to ascend into higher states of consciousness. Then, with this living cosmic consciousness, we could establish the reality of the Kingdom of God down on Earth. Figuratively speaking, these visions trace a magnificent Divine Rainbow Path – going up to Heaven and then coming back to the Earth with the task to transform it into a paradise. There is a beautiful legend that at the end of every rainbow we can find a crock of gold. At the end of the Divine Rainbow – that is, of our ascension to heavenly states of consciousness and our return with this consciousness to our daily life on Earth – we will open the New Golden Age. The Rainbow Path is the only alternative for humankind for survival. Everything else will lead towards war, destruction, violence, ignorance and abuses of all kinds.

So, after many visions and spiritual experiences in Ireland and in direct connection with the Irish people and the Irish history, I was convinced that Ireland has a very important spiritual task: to follow the Path of the Divine Rainbow, the Path which leads back to the Kingdom of God and which enables us to bring this heavenly reality down on Earth. Of course, similar Divine Rainbows have to arise from every country in the world, from every religion and spiritual path, but all of them will converge at their apex, which is at the foot of the Throne of God, because the Truth about G-d – the Absolute Origin of Being – is one, and remains the same forever. Now, in this moment, let us visualize a beautiful image: magnificent Divine Rainbows arising from all countries and all peoples of the Earth, forming a great Dome of Light above our Planet. In this Divine Temple humankind walks the Path of Ascension to the Kingdom of God where there are no more wars, but eternal peace; no more destruction, but Divine creativity; no more arrogance and violence, but love, compassion and helpfulness; no more abuses of any kind, but the expression of all human virtues, flowing from the sacred heart of humanity – G-d’s People on Earth. This irreversible process of the redemption of humankind as a whole has to begin, and the Irish people could ignite this holy process.

The audience in the church comprised of more than a thousand people. I felt a very strong connection with them on a soul level. They also appreciated my talk and altogether we sent the message of Peace and Love to the world. Thus, the purpose of the World Peace Day was fulfilled!

 Introducing the Path of the Divine Rainbow

In March-April of 1991 I had three public lectures in the Mount Herbert Hotel, consecrated to the Nine-Fold Path of the Divine Rainbow. Actually, only one lecture was announced, but because the audience showed great interest, we organized two more lectures. At the first lecture, in the interval, Marie exclaimed: Leon, the people are following you! Then we organized two more lectures.

In May 1991, with the English language help from Mary Susann, I wrote the Open Letter 1991, where I described the essence of The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path. We sent the Open Letter 1991 to many friends and organizations all over the world. The response was good and the Institute of Planetary Synthesis included the Open Letter 1991 in its annual bulletin.

At the end of May, with Marie, Mary-Susann and Joan, we had a wonderful trip to the West of Ireland. Then I had a workshop on the Aran Islands and after this we travelled along the west coast to Sligo, to an old monastic site in Donegal and then back to Dublin. This trip was like a farewell to my great American friend and helper Mary-Susann, who returned to the USA afterwards.

In July 1991, I gave a two-day workshop in the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy. The program included lectures and discussions about the Nine-fold Rainbow Path, and, of course, the sacred dance Paneurhythmy and Mandala meditation. Thus the Rainbow Path took its place in my spiritual activities in Ireland.

In September I was invited to give a Four-day workshop in the Schweibenalp Community in Switzerland. For the celebration of the New Year, 1992, I was again invited to this wonderful Community.

From October 16 until November 13, I went to London where I had five public lectures in the centre The Grain of Wheat consecrated to The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path.

Meanwhile, in December 1991, I shared some of the mystical aspects of my spiritual journey with my closest friends in Ireland. The intensive unfolding of the Mission in Ireland encouraged me to reveal more about my personal development in Bulgaria in order to link the two stages of my journey – in Bulgaria and in Ireland. From December 17, 1991, until May 1, 1992, I held eleven gatherings which, of course, were consecrated not only to my mystical journey, but nevertheless my journey was one of the main themes. I considered these mystical sharing to be a preparation for the next stage in unfolding the Mission.

My mystical sharing gave living examples of the journey on the Steps of the Rainbow Path. The process of building my Etheric, Astral, Causal, Buddhic and Atmic bodies was the fulfillment of the spiritual goals of Steps One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six of the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path! In these eleven spiritual meetings I shared many details about the building of the spiritual bodies. The meetings were very vivid, full of interesting questions, answers, discussions and mutual sharing.

Of course, the process of writing down the insights and ideas about the Nine-fold Rainbow Path continued and when the book The Second Coming was published, it became the biggest section, Part Two, of the whole book. In it I described the Nine Steps on the Rainbow Path in much greater detail: Step OneExodus (p. 44); Step TwoThe Garden of Paradise (p. 52); Step ThreeThe Sacred Mountain  (p. 61); Step FourThe Holy City (p. 75);  Step FiveThe Gospel of the Divine Spirit (p. 88); Step Six – The Gospel of the Divine Mother (p. 113); Step SevenThe Transfiguration of the Earth (p. 130); Step EightTransformation of the Earthly Culture into a Heavenly Culture (p. 146); Step NineThe New Golden Age (p.p. 164- 179). 

Now, the Nine-fold Rainbow Path traces the Journey to the coming new Heavenly-Jerusalem civilization with a New Heaven and a New Earth! Let us embark on it!

About the Author
Leon was born on August 15, 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His family was victim of a Holocaust Ghetto. His father Issak Moscona became a distinguished author of many articles and books about the Sephardic culture. Leon is on a spiritual journey for more than 50 years. Achieving Enlightenment, he described it in more than twenty books, many articles, and more than 500 lectures in various countries in Europe and USA.
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