Akiva ben Avraham

The Tucker and Tammy Show

We have all heard of mud slinging.  However, I think the 2020 race just hit a new low when “paleoconservative” (yes, that’s the term used for this guy) journalist Tucker Carlson questioned my old classmate Tammy Duckworth’s patriotism and said she hates America.  Basically, I think he threw a concrete block because he ran out of mud (it must be the dry season).  He even went on to call her “silly and unimpressive.”  This is a statement from a guy who thinks Donald Trump is a fairly stable genius.  Well Tucker, to quote Clint Eastwood’s character “Dirty Harry,” you’re a legend in your own mind.

Well, I guess Tucker got some surgery to deal with that brow ridge so he could get hired by Fox News.  Tucker hearkens back to those good old American values like protecting monuments and military bases named after Confederate generals (these always did puzzle me when I was in the Army) and never discussing George Washington’s ownership of slaves.  However, old Tucker never went near a uniform.  That means he must know better right?  I guess chicken hawks always perceive that they are the most patriotic, especially when they beat the drums of war and forget the dead and mangled veterans and their gold star families.

I saw online that Tucker has a B.A. in history. Tucker, prepare for a lecture from someone with more paper behind his name about the greatness of a person who has a lot more paper and accomplishments than I have.

I’ve got a masters degree in history and Tammy has a masters in international affairs from the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.  She started ROTC there and got her commission at Northern Illinois University where I was commissioned with her in 1992.  She was also pursuing a doctorate at NIU’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies!  Her reserve commitment evidently conflicted with her school studies (or she ran out of money, I don’t know which).

However, I can tell you that Tammy did complete her PhD through Capella University Online in 2015 (while in the US House of Representatives from Illinois) and worked for the Rotary International charity prior to her Iraq deployment where she lost her legs in 2004.  She later got an honorary doctorate from NIU.  Her life has been about service and sacrifice.

Frankly, my grades suffered a bit in graduate school and I later realized how crazy it was to pursue ROTC training as a graduate student, even as a prior service Army veteran with some experience under my belt.  Imagine how much more it was for Tammy as a PhD candidate, pursuing an officer commission and a later reserve career?  My respect for this woman is off the scale.

Basically Tucker, you are not only an idiot, but the dumbest journalist in the room and that is an accomplishment at Fox.  You never have even come near the military (not that that is the final litmus test of patriotism). However, it does indicate that you don’t have a clue about the person you are criticizing.  You are a chicken hawk and a despicable one at that, just like the despicable draft dodging president that you and the Fox staff respect so much.

Since you are a historian Tucker, let me clue you in as to what happened the last time someone was stupid enough to question Tammy’s patriotism.  It was another paleoconservative (I love that word) who did the same idiotic thing.  In 2012, she faced incumbent Republican Joe Walsh in the general election for the US House of Representatives from Illinois.  Joe the stable genius questioned her patriotism and got trounced in the election.  I know she is not running officially as Joe Biden’s running mate, but I think because of your hatred she is running in every way except in name.  This is certainly a big take away from this outburst by Tucker against Tammy.  We have not seen the last of Tammy Duckworth.

Basically Tucker, you just screwed up the free lunch and the wet dream in one shot.  Hey,  maybe Trump will bail you out with a job after you’re fired?  Frankly, I wouldn’t hold your breath or expect an extension on your unemployment benefits.

About the Author
Akiva ben Avraham is a former community college adjunct, US Army intelligence analyst and officer, and a caregiver.
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