The United States and its Promise to Democratic Israel
The reality and often strength of a democratic, freedom-oriented country is that, ironically, its government might support a cause while its people may not. Democracy refers to the sovereignty of people being left in their own hands, emphasizing values like the importance of proper elections and input from its citizens on matters of public interest. Concerns have emerged regarding the United States and its ongoing commitment to its ally, Israel. The issue seems to have become partisan with progressive Democrats pulling it in increasingly scary anti-Israel directions, leading to a rise in antisemitism. The loud, sometimes violent, pro-Palestinian protests have many believing that they represent the majority, which is not the case, benefiting both big America and tiny Israel.
For the US to remain the leader of the free world it must uphold its alliances. Thankfully the Biden Administration has done this regularly since the October, 2023 Hamas attacks on southern Israel. Recently, when Iran and its terrorist proxies launched another barbaric missile attack “nearly twice the scope” of April’s assault, the US deployed troops and initiated its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) to assist Israel in self-defense. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said, “THAAD deployment is another visible statement of our commitment to the security of Israel as it deals with everything that’s coming at it from Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon”. She restated the importance of the countries relationship, and of US assistance to Israel, upholding a 75-year-old bipartisan American policy and friendship.
America’s admirable support for democracy and its democratic allies has been historically maintained by both of its major political parties. According to A Brief Survey of Democracy Promotion in US Foreign Policy, an academic article published in 2015, Republican President George Bush used economic and military force to help with defense and the reconstruction of democracy, it being a key “counterterrorism strategy”, seen in Afghanistan and Iraq. Further, Democratic President Barack Obama shared that the promotion of democracy was important in foreign policy “because governments that respect these values are more just, peaceful, and legitimate”, and governmental systems that protect rights are more “stable, successful, and secure”.
Regarding Israel, their allyship began upon its creation in 1948, over common interests and values, similar democratic systems and the benefits they bring to each other. The US highly values this relationship as Israel is their most established ally in the Middle East. President Jimmy Carter, a liberal Democrat, once stated:
“We have a special relationship with Israel. It’s absolutely crucial that no one in our country or around the world ever doubt that our number one commitment in the Middle East is to protect the right of Israel to exist, to exist permanently, and to exist in peace.”
If the US reduced, or worse, stopped, its political, diplomatic, economic and military support for Israel, many, including myself, question how the rest of its vulnerable allies would react as the US has sacred obligations to help its democratic allies in times of need. Not only Israel, but also Taiwan, Ukraine and even Europe when at risk.
Following last year’s brutal Hamas invasion, this deep-rooted alliance led to an uproar in protests and media activism from Palestinian supporters, the perceived majority. This was especially evident on US university campuses. However, even when opinions are stated loudly and aggressively, one cannot forget about the “silent majority’s” view. In fact, according to the well-known analytic site, Pew Research, their recent study shared that the majority of Americans agree Israel has valid reasons to fight, and a plurality favor helping Israel in its war against Hamas. I, along with many, believe that the re-election of President Donald Trump, a strong Israel supporter who provided great benefits to Israel during his first term, reflects the large, silent pro-Israel majority in the United States.
Thankfully, the US understands its commitment to tiny Israel, a successful, democratic country in the Middle East that while continually battling to exist, does the best it can to maintain human rights, a free press and a rowdy parliament (American values that are rare to find these days). America has abided by the majority views of its citizens, advancing the free world’s best interest by assisting Israel in this war and protecting its democracy against dark forces, allowing America to maintain its title as THE democratic great power!
As a believer in liberal democracy, and with family and friends in the Israeli Defense Force, I mourn the innocent lives lost this past year on both sides, I thank the United States for being a proper ally, and pray for peace, for all, Israelis, Palestinians and their neighbors. As the Prophet Isaiah hoped, one day, “Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore.”