The Washington Post is in bed with Hamas
In “Israeli document alleges that U.N. workers took part in Oct. 7 Hamas attack” (1/30/24), even the UN itself seemed to agree with the charges in the Israeli-researched dossier that UNRWA [United Nations Relief Agency] was involved in the Oct. 7th pogrom, that it was not just “alleged.” The Post uses variations of the word “alleged” ten times in the article, including the title.
If the “allegation” was as questionable as the Post implies (ad nauseum), why did UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres state that “nine employees were ‘immediately identified and terminated?” Sounds like the actions of an individual who agrees with the charges. The Post further attempted to downplay the UN workers’ involvement in the slaughter of Israelis by saying that “the explosive accusations [in the dossier] …could not be independently verified by The Post.” The Post will scratch and claw before they will concede that Israel is right. They discredit Israel at every turn.
In this one article, we get to see many iterations of this. For example, for the umpteenth time, The Washington Post stated the casualty count in Gaza during the Hamas/Israel War. The Post reported that “at least 26,422 people have been killed, many of them women and children “according to the Gaza Health Ministry” – the mouthpiece of Hamas. There was no caveat that the numbers ‘could not be independently verified by The Post,’ as was the charge against Israel’s claims against UNRWA. There was no use of the word “alleged” tied to the casualty numbers reported out of terrorist-controlled Gaza. Plus, there was no mention about the number of combatants in that total. This is how The Post has been reporting about the conflict since day one – certainly no objective observer.
The Wall Street Journal in “Arab Mediators Propose New Hostage-Release Plan to End Israel-Hamas War” (1/27/24), on the other hand, states the casualty count in Gaza more honestly. According to the article, “more than 26,000 people…have been killed in the war in Gaza, according to health authorities in the strip. That figure doesn’t distinguish between combatants and civilians.”
The Post only mentions “women and children” in the casualty number because that is what evokes the most sympathy toward the Palestinians. They omit that many of the casualties are Hamas combatants because that would take the wind out of the Palestinian sympathy sail.
Another salvo launched by The Post against Israel is their explanation of how Palestinians became refugees. In the article, The Post disseminates the insidious falsehood that the Palestinian refugee crisis occurred “during the founding of Israel.” The simple act of Israel’s creation/founding did not cause one Palestinian to be displaced. That might shock some who are not well-versed on the conflict since that is what is propagated so often in many news sources.
The cause of the displacement was a war launched by the local Arabs, later known as Palestinians, and five neighboring Arab countries against Israel. It was not just any war. The war against the nascent Jewish state, if successful, would have meant back-to-back Holocausts for the Jewish people. In the words of Azzam Pasha, the Arab League’s first secretary-general: “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.” And in one of the greatest upsets in history, the tiny Jewish nation miraculously defeated a wave of fanatical Arab invaders that, in some incidents, committed the same kind of massacres, beheadings, rapes, and bodily mutilations of civilians that Hamas inflicted on Israelis on Oct 7th. But you won’t read any of that in The Washington Post, where victimizing Palestinians and demonizing Israelis is the goal.
It is clear that Hamas is fighting a propaganda war. And it is clear that they have a propaganda partner in The Washington Post. The Washington Post consistently casts doubt on Israel – an actual democracy – while propping up the credibility, time and again, of a known terrorist organization, Hamas. This is indisputable evidence that the paper of record in the nation’s capital – The Washington Post – is in bed with Hamas.