Jeremy Aron

The writing’s on the Wall

Mouawiya Syasneh’s graffiti directed at Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad stated “Ejak al door, ya doctor” (“It’s your turn, Doctor” - Syria, Daraa, February 15, 2011) (Image: X/@srkyftm)
Mouawiya Syasneh’s graffiti directed at Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad stated “Ejak al door, ya doctor” (“It’s your turn, Doctor” - Syria, Daraa, February 15, 2011) (Image: X/@srkyftm)

life’s big changes rarely give advance warning

– H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

So, another year draws to a close, and it was quite the year. After a disheartening chain of internal and external struggles on the national and international levels, December 2024 saw one of the most dramatic, world-changing events of the modern era. The ‘coup’ in Syria led by Mohammed al-Julani had stealthily geared up, obscured from the radars of the world’s intelligence agencies, before swiftly exploding into vanquishing action. The face of a relatively unknown jihadist suddenly became the most recognisable image across global media, and the final curtain came down on the tyrannical Assad Family regime.

There are not many life-changing events that impacted upon all people across the planet. Emotional memories such as the felling of the Twin Towers, and jubilant hoards atop the Berlin Wall proved to initiate the ‘butterfly effect’, developing domino rallies of circumstances that were largely unforeseen because in each of these cases, the story unraveled swiftly and without any prior warning. Only time will tell whether the recent events will launch a series of world-changing consequences, but world politics have, no doubt been heavily influenced by the rebellious graffiti daubed on a wall in Dara’a in southern Syria almost fourteen years ago. Mouawiya Syasneh’s anti-Assad actions ignited the spark that led to the Syrian ‘awakening’, eventually erupting into a full-scale conflict played by actors imported into the Levant from around the globe. Millions of displaced citizens trudged in the opposite direction, seeking shelter from the ensuing bloody chaos, subsequently inspiring another chapter in the grubby squabble over immigrants ‘infiltrating’ the privileged pastures of the West. Countries either opened their doors to these refugees, or erected fortifications to prevent any ‘contamination’ of their realm and domestic politics shifted, especially in Europe, to a debate between moral responsibility and socioeconomic consequences. The ‘migrant’ issue generously invited the return of conservative political platforms and populist lawmakers dedicated to ‘protecting’ the character of their nation. In turn, the duped nation turns to strong and decisive leaders to defend their shores from the invading foreign hoards, and foreign policies shift as these newly elected heads of state build alliances and associations with like minded ‘saviors’ of other nations that have been ‘raided’. And then it was 2024.

It can’t happen to us, right?

There are huge differences between these scenarios. The first results from a distinct epic event, whereas the second refers to a specter that slowly boils behind obfuscating curtains of modern, liberal democracies. I am referring to when body is empowered through free national elections, where the people vote through a democratic process, but then surreptitiously works to ensure that any future decisions of State will only be made if they are aligned with that incumbent’s worldview. This, they passionately proclaim, is for the ‘good of the nation’. The policies of the liberal opposition are ‘dangerous’ and will not safeguard ‘your families’. I am describing a process that begins by sowing the first seeds that will eventually blossom into a dictatorship. It appears to be a positive reaction to the current circumstances, but it is, in fact, the prelude to a bigger, chilling strategy.

We have seen it happen numerous times in modern history, and we’ve also seen the dire consequences. I’m not referring to dictators who have forced through a military coup, or theocratic, narcissistic despots, fervently crying “Deus Vult!” in their indigenous vernacular to seemingly justify their ‘divine right’ to command subservience. No, I’m referring to those who manipulate a democratic, free system to realize their own egomaniacal, narrow-minded sortie towards arbitrary totalitarianism and imperious dictatorship. We all know the classic examples, à la Hitler or Mussolini. We learned about it, remember, so ‘it can’t happen to us’, right?

Nope. Wrong. You see, aspiring totalitarians don’t overtly state their objectives. No wannabe dictator will ever succeed in their quest of suppressing the population by being honest. No, they need to create an ‘other’, a scapegoat, and constantly remind the people that without ‘their’ guidance and leadership, the country is doomed! They control the media to prop up their disingenuous facade, condemn anyone who speaks against them as enemies of the people, as traitors and brand them with derogatory labels to divide the nation and delegitimize and criminalize ‘dissenters’. They dupe the electorate using subtle, calculated and gradual maneuvering and manipulative tactics. They use fear mongering, divisive statements and the distortion of truths, slowly disempowering the unity of the nation.

History has unambiguously proved that only those that have something to hide and fear truth would employ such aggressive tactics.

A dictatorship can only survive if it eliminates their opposition. It requires developing disheartened feelings of futility and disempowerment to dispel the resolve of all the nonconformists. They take ownership over the security services and create their own militia under the pretense of shielding the people from their enemies. They label any voices of balance and reason as ‘prejudicial’, ‘biased’ and even ‘dangerous’ if they are do not forlornly cooperate with the chosen architects of ‘change’. However, it is also necessary to control the people, violently if needs be, to protect the others from their insurrectionist attempts at destabilization and destruction. The lawmakers establish their own internal investigation units (such as a KGB, Stasi or Gestapo), which is preferable to an impartial, non-partisan body that may criticize their policies. History has unambiguously proved that only those that have something to hide and fear truth would employ such aggressive tactics.

Sound familiar?

Beyachad Nenatzeyach!

So, let me stop ‘beating about the bush’. What does “together we’ll win” actually mean? Let’s break it down. First, ‘WE’ unite with ‘THEM’ under the duplicitous pretense that ‘we’re all in it together’ – ‘the nation is under attack, so we have to collectively* defend ourselves from our common enemy’ (*where ‘collectively’ is defined by subjective opinion, of course). In other words, ‘when YOU fight for US, WE will win’. Then WE will try to revise history, edit timestamps and silence dissenters, discredit and invalidate anyone who doesn’t say what we want them to say, arrest protesters and call them ‘terrorists’, and claim that the victory against our nation’s enemies is solely down to our leadership. So, we use you to get rid of our true enemies, then we swiftly screw you again when you foolishly allow us to create a dictatorship by reverting you to the role of problematic belligerent who needs to be suppressed ‘for the good of the…blah blah blah’. We will return to our previous clarifications as to who is ‘US’ and who is ‘THEM’ and remind the gullible electorate that any other leader would have succumbed to the demands of the enemy and ultimately, we would all have been destroyed, of course!

In the case of ‘King’ Bibi, the domino effect will be so catastrophic, the mullahs in Tehran and their goons on the lawns of Columbia University can sit and wait it out. We are already doing all the hard work for them. Too many credulous citizens are eagerly digesting warped interpretations and ‘Netanyahued’ conceited narratives to fit their own obsessions with biblical prophecies, imperialist expansionism and divine commandments.

If you are still reading this, you are probably the wrong audience. People tend to be attracted to information sources that tell them what they want to hear, especially Israelis. Sabras don’t like to hear something that doesn’t align with their mindset, regardless of their stance. Who are the avid viewers of Channel 14’s nationalist propaganda shows, or sheeplike disciples of Gideon Levy’s hostile op-eds? Do they engage in holistic learning and self-education, to appreciate the full political and national spectrum? Do they endeavor to understand the opinions of their ‘foes’? Of course not.

And, there you have it. The result? 2025 begins and we are more divided than ever. Israelis have willingly endorsed a populist autocrat to destroy the very parchment on which the Declaration of Independence is inscribed and are too blinded to see where this is leading. The writing has been on the wall for all to see it. From Abraham to Alterman, Isaiah to Herzl all the dreamers have their heads in their hands and are crying out to the people “wake up!”. Let’s not get to the situation where a teenager needs to spray “It’s your turn” on a wall in Tel Aviv.

About the Author
Jeremy grew up in Manchester, England, and moved to Israel during the Second Intifada in 2002. He is a professional tour educator guiding groups and individuals throughout Israel and across Central Europe, as well as running educational and leadership seminars in the UK, USA and Israel. He loves music. For a few years he thought he would go professional, until he was gently brought down to earth by his mother. This was not long after his father had helped him accept that he would never play professionally for his lifelong love, Manchester United! He did, however, succeed in becoming a senior coach of an international organization promoting Israeli Arab and Jewish, and Palestinian Arab youth coexistence through sport. He was one of a small group who founded an urban kibbutz in the Central Galilee, but after ten years he left, now living in Herzeliya with Rona, his wife, and their two young boys, Lior and Mikey.