Chana Perman

There are no dummies when it comes to Jewish history

An illustrious scholar,
articulate and erudite
espouses wisdom
as the cameras roll

His bookcase, displayed in the background,
boasts scholarly tomes — and also — the unmistakable black on yellow print, shouting:

Jewish History for Dummies

Dareth scholar humor his disciples?

Maybe t’was a premeditated prop, an appeal to the layperson:

Even a dummy! can! learn! Jewish history

But how very oxymoronic this title;
there are no dummies when it comes to Jewish history

We know the Jewish people are a miraculous marvel
We have survived, against all odds, and emerged, with renewed strength time and time again

With seichel, our trademark seichel, and a hefty dose of mazal 
As for the title, ’tis more aptly read:
Jewish? (Behold!)
His (and her)
Story (of)
Four (matriarchs: Sarah, Rivkah Rachel and Leah; three patriarchs:Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their some 14 million offspring — none of which are)


Originally published on

About the Author
Chana holds an M.S. in Special Education. Her innovative poems, essays and lectures reflect two and a half decades of experience working with students of all ages and abilities. Chana's writing has been published on, as well as in The Canadian Jewish News, The Jewish Press, and AMI. As a longtime volunteer with the Friendship Circle, Chana was recognised by the Ontario Legislature for “bringing a smile to the faces of children with special needs.” Although Chana 's "heart is in the east" she currently lives with her with her family in Toronto.
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