There is no nuance
When 70% of the Gaza population openly sympathizes with Hamas there is no nuance.
When there was zero military objective on October 7th other than going on a mammoth killing spree and then hopping back over the border to Gaza there is no nuance.
When footage of the mass pilgrimages of refugees in Gaza clearly show many children wearing t-shirts that say שלום עכשיו because these t-shirts were looted from homes in עוטף עזה there is no nuance.
When every antisemite suddenly substitutes the word “Jew” with the word “Zionist” there is no nuance.
When every progressive movement suddenly openly supports Hamas there is no nuance.
When terrorists kill an autistic 12 year-year-old girl being held hostage because she understandably wouldn’t stop screaming there is no nuance.
When two ten-year-old boys were saved because of the “mercy” of the specific terrorist who shot the boys’ dad in cold-blood then drank a full bottle of coke from the fridge but spared the boys “because he doesn’t shoot children” there is no nuance.
When the PA hasn’t even once paid their colossal water bill but poor Israelis who can’t afford their water bill have their water shut off there is no nuance.
When the most broken-hearted people on my FB feed on Oct. 8th are kind compassionate Leftists who suddenly had their well-meaning illusions shattered there is no nuance.
When one of our hostages we got back was not even being kept by Hamas there is no nuance.
When tens of grandparents are suddenly thrust into the role of parents decades after completing their parenting duties there is no nuance.
When terrorists shot both parents and took the little three year old hostage while the other two little kids hid for fourteen hours in a closet there is no nuance.
When Israel is called an “Apartheid State” but my Gynecologist, Wolt delivery driver, lawyer, and carpenter are all Arabs there is no nuance.
When ludicrous ideas like “Israel’s right to exist” are even mentioned there is no nuance.
When Israelis are “white colonial settlers” but most citizens’ actual skin pigmentation is not even white there is no nuance.
When Egypt sends out a message in Arabic to the citizens of Gaza telling them “if you try to flee over our border we will break your legs” there is no nuance.
When not one Arab country will take in a single Palestinian refugee there is no nuance.
When Hamas built 500 km. of underground tunnels for the purpose of terror right under the watchful eye of the UN there is no nuance.
When 240 hostages are still being held and the UN does nothing there is no nuance.