Richard Steinitz

These are not Zionists

For a long time already, the Zionist Organization of America has placed itself outside the mainstream of true Zionists. However, they have now reached such a low point that they need to be placed beyond the pale – these people have no place in the true Zionist / Jewish Pantheon.

This past weekend, Mort Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America wrote in a post: “BlackLivesMatter is an antisemitic, Israel hating Soros funded racist extremist Israelophobic hate group.”

In another post, he stated that, “BLM is a Jew hating, White hating, Israel hating, conservative Black hating, violence promoting, dangerous Soros funded extremist group of haters.”

These are the ravings of a racist – and racism has no place in Zionism.

This man and the organization he represents have no place in true Jewish Zionist society, and need to be ostracized by any and all true Jews – no matter what their affiliation – religious, political or ethnic. They are a disgrace to our identities as Jews and as Zionists, and certainly as Israelis.

And as an addendum – it’s about time that the name of Z.O.A. House in Tel Aviv be changed to something more appropriate! These people have no place here!

About the Author
Richard Steinitz is the published author of THREE novels - The Voyage of the Stingray, Murder Over the Border, and Kaplan's Quest, as well as a free-lance provider of of ​English language ​services: ​​Hebrew-to-English translation, ​proofreading, copy-editing, content-writing, basic graphics and image manipulation, ​and more. He worked for an international educational publisher for almost 20 years as their local representative, until his retirement at the end of 2015. Born in New York City, Richard came to Israel on a visit in July 1967, and returned a year later to see what life here is like. He's still here. Richard is married to Naomi, father of Yael and Oren, and grandfather of two.