Akiva Lamm

To the Reform Movement: Do not mention the Kotel, For Now

When the US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel and that he intends to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he upset some people. North Korea issued a condemnation, Turkey and Iran called upon the Muslim world to wage war upon Jerusalem. Also the Reform Movement expressed reservation from the presidential declaration.

“While we share the president’s belief that the US Embassy should, at the right time, be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem”, wrote President of the Union for Reform Judaism Rabbi Rick Jacobs , “we cannot support his decision to begin preparing that move now, absent a comprehensive plan for a peace process”.

Suddenly I understood the rage that US Jewry felt after Deputy Minster’s Hotovely’s, how could our brothers’ express themselves against such a statement. How could Jews oppose a move of the embassy of the greatest power in the planet to Jerusalem? When did Peace become greater or more important than the acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the Capital of the Jewish people?

When they were upset at the Israeli Government for freezing the Kotel plan, I understood them. For them, I figured, the Jewish state is the state of all Jews, and the western wall is the house of prayer for the entire Jewish people

When they were upset at the Israeli Government for freezing the Kotel plan, I understood them. For them, I figured, the Jewish state is the state of all Jews, and the western wall is the house of prayer for the entire Jewish people. For them, when the government refuses to establish an egalitarian area, open for all as the two main sections for men and women in the Kotel, it pushes them outside the camp. They too want a piece Jerusalem. I genuinely appreciated the Jewish sentiment that demanded to take part.

Objecting to Trump has become part of the “Jewish identity”

Then the leadership of the Reform movement called Trump to backtrack on his historical declaration, that Prime Minister Netanyahu justly put in line with the Balfour declaration, and essentially with Cyrus Declaration, I felt that the Jewish sentiment was replace for political ideology.

It is not secret that some of Trump’s greatest critics come from the reform community. It is no secret that some of the members of the reform movement worked against Israel’s interests on the Iranian front, when instead of using their power within the Democratic party, the chose to remain silent. In retrospect, Jewish support for President Obama’s effort led to the approval needed for an Americans to approve the nuclear agreement, an agreement that all the Zionist factions in the Israeli Knesset.

Two years later, Iran exploits the agreement on a daily basis to threaten Israel from all sides: Lebanon on the north, Syria on the east, Hamas on the west, and Yemen in south, which has become an Iranian terror base.

In addition, resolution 2334 of the UN Security council, that declared all Jewish presence beyond the green line, received the blessing of the Reform movement. The Reform plot at the Western Wall under Palestinian rule will be equal to that of all Jews: nothing at all.

The Reform movement, under the leadership of Rabbi Jacobs, has become a branch of the Democratic Party in the United States. It uses its Jewish name to promote radical leftist policies against Israel: boycotts of the Jewish state, opposition to American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (“for now”) and de Facto endorsing for the greatest threat to the State of Israel since the Six-Day War.

If they really wanted to make peace for the State of Israel, the leadership of the Reform community would call upon its members to immigrate to the Land of Israel, create a significant Jewish majority between the Jordan River and the sea and challenge the Arab claim to hold on to this land

If they really wanted to make peace for the State of Israel, the leadership of the Reform community would call upon its members to immigrate to the Land of Israel, create a significant Jewish majority between the Jordan River and the sea and challenge the Arab claim to hold on to this land. Resisting Trump has become part of the “Jewish” identity of this community, and repeatedly, it leads resistance camp to Israel. How do you want to influence policy in Israel when you are always against it? It is time to decide, politics, or Jewish identity. Until then, do not talk to us about the Wall.

About the Author
Deputy Editor and Columnist for Channel 20s' news website.