To the soulless ghouls cos-playing “feminists:” it is ENOUGH
It wasn’t enough for you to see a young woman with the back of her pants covered in blood being herded into a truck on October 7.
It wasn’t enough for you when survivors of the NOVA massacre *who pretended to be dead* described watching their friends get gang raped and executed with a bullet in their brain while their rapists were still inside them.
It wasn’t enough for you when bodies of women and young girls were found with knives in their vaginas and semen on their backs.
It wasn’t enough for you when major International newspapers finally began reporting on the sexual assaults.
It wasn’t enough for you when the UN finally got around to acknowledging the atrocities and crimes against women.
It wasn’t enough for you when released hostages shared the stories they heard from women still in captivity down in the tunnels about the sexual abuse they endured.
It STILL wasn’t enough for you when a Amit Soussana came forward and gave public testimony, and described in chilling detail what her depraved captors did to her while she was a hostage in Gaza.
You soulless ghouls cosplaying “feminists” and decent humans — you’ll never be satisfied. You will demand more proof and talk about “context” even when the evidence is irrefutable.
It will NEVER be enough for you.
You will never stand up for your Israeli sisters.
And I’ve had enough of you.