Mikhail Ratynsky

Tone up your body

It is the morning now! I have to start my day off with some ordinary routines…., as we all do. We can easily recall those actions we usually take during the day. But, how often do we concern ourselves with our health, unless, of course, it is too late: I mean at the point when the damage is irreversible. Ok, let’s not talk about the worst scenario, but discuss what we should do to retain and, the chances are great, to improve our health.

To begin with, allow me to introduce the concept of more or less organized, from the perspective of a personal trainer, lifestyle. The idea is simple, include nutrients and water, be physically active and emotionally stable, that’s it. However simple that may be, it is always easier said than done!

Many are too decisive, which is good when making such a resolution, but consistency is the key. To be consistent and follow the same track is, obviously, not that easy. As a matter of course, when days ensued, the determination gradually faded off. With time, the goal is still distant and looks more amorphous. Consequently, we are no more motivated, and, therefore, the odds are overwhelmingly against us.

Do we have to give up? There is no place for such a question on the agenda. Just do not rush yourself, the change requires time. How much? Many factors are influential. You have to enjoy healthy food and physical activity, at least as much as you can. I assure you that you will be there. You will succeed and achieve what you have worked for.

Did I miss something? There is a decision in the first place, then the actions step in. Plan it carefully, with respect to your capability, schedule. Be consistent, but do not act emotionally. Keep the pace you get accustomed to. Remember that little progress is always better than no progress at all. On no account, pitch your goals too high, but readjust them considering your achievements. Be thoughtful when you eat, as well as channel your energy meticulously. You are already on the track to become physically better and healthier.

About the Author
Originally, Mikhail is from Russia but was born in Moskow. He spent his childhood in the northmost part of Russia. In his late teens, he became passionate about sport, especially, physical appearance and muscle strength.
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