Torah in Verse for Torah Portion, Shoftim
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Torah in Verse for Torah Portion, Shoftim
(In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Yonadav Herman)
Justice, justice, you shall pursue…
In trials, tribulations, whom to turn to?
How can a human judge discern any matter?
By walking in God’s ways and all the evidence gather!
As an instrument of the Lord, finely tuned,
Interpret the law, apply it, for lives not to be ruined.
Examine witness after witness, all a mission.
Soul and conscience seek the truth,
Yet with therapeutic vision.
Give the priests their due, as rites and rituals
Accompany our journey through life and its sequels.
A human king must be humble before God’s and his people’s demands
Two Torah scrolls, the king writes, to continually know before whom he stands.
The true prophet speaks only that which God does transmit.
If only, all would listen, and, thus, our lives submit.