Trump and Biden
America is going through a rough time. But the future looks bright.
Biden and Trump are both now talking about toning down the rhetoric.
Arguments and debates are natural; but it is crucial that there be respect.
The future looks bright, because the leaders are talking about uniting, about getting along.
The future looks bright, because Trump thanked G-d for being saved.
The future looks bright, because the bullet that grazed Trump symbolizes the bullet of intense division that threatened American civilization, division which now faces hope of subsiding.
The future looks bright, because G-d is now right front and centre in the public consciousness.
At Mount Sinai, G-d told Moses to tell all the nations of the world to adhere to the seven Noahide laws.
Abiding by these laws will bring peace.
The youth of America have, for many years, been denied the basic awareness of the One above Who guides their lives, and the lives of their families and friends. Such awareness would remind children, as they grow into adults, that there is and Eye that sees and an Ear that hears everything. This would empower all Americans, and all nations, to do acts of goodness and kindness, and not to cause harm to others.
The future looks bright. The Almighty allowed a bullet to graze the ear of the American people and all people, so that humanity can readjust and realize Who created them, and what laws He gave the world, for the benefit of all.
We need to hear the message, to take it to heart and to act on it. We need to bring a daily silent moment into public schools, so that children can ask their parents what to think about during that moment, and parents can tell them to think about the One above.
The only way to ensure peace and stability, is to ensure that children are given the ability to know, that even if they can fool a policeman, they can’t fool the One above.
The future looks bright. Trump and Biden are focused on improving things. Let’s focus on enabling the youth and thereby all of society to be good and upright citizens.
G-d is merciful, and is steering and guiding us to a benign future. He has woken up America and the world. We need just to open our eyes and see it.