Trump Fears Too Many Legal Latinos Voting

The lasciviously litigious Donald Trump has already filed his first lawsuit alleging rigged voting.

It seems the Clark County, Nevada, registrar kept the polls open at an early voting location so that everyone who wanted to could have a chance to vote. Trump is outraged.  Polls were scheduled to stay open until 8 pm on November 4 but stayed open to accommodate everyone who got in line until 10 p.m., reported Politico.

How democratic and fair of that registrar. Some of those people could have been Hispanic or Mormon citizens who Trump has railed against.  Trump wants to make sure their votes don't get counted.

A top Trump ally and Republican National Committeewoman for Nevada said she was unaware of the suit and doesn't think it is a good idea.

“I know that the [Clark County] registrar was on TV this morning saying that anybody who’s in line was allowed to participate in the voting process until all of them came through,” she said. “If that’s what they did, I don’t have a problem with that … I don’t know that filing a suit’s going to accomplish anything.”

Nevada is a key battleground state and the vote for president  is expected to be close.  A strong Latino turnout could determine the outcome.

About the Author
Douglas M. Bloomfield is a syndicated columnist, Washington lobbyist and consultant. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC.