US Fascist rule is taking shape on Trump’s first day in office with a smile
I told you so
There are still good-willing people who say: ‘We survived the first Trump presidency—how bad could it get?’ Well, here you have it, Trump’s/Project 2025’s first day in office. And this is only the beginning! Just the facts.
Trump said he’s for Law and Order.
Yet, he forces Netanyahu to agree to the release of thousands of Jew-murderers in a ‘prisoners exchange,’ which it isn’t.
Yet, he pardoned 1500 convicted January-6-‘hostages’ who collectively stormed the Capital and murdered five police officers.
Yet, he ended the executive order to advance effective, accountable policing and criminal justice practices for public trust and safety.
Yet, he just ended the program to reform the incarceration system and to eliminate the use of privately operated criminal detention facilities.
Yet, he just revoked the Council on Transnational Organized Crime.
Yet, he just announced his intention to restore the death penalty and (so) protect public safety, though capital punishment does no such thing. He especially refers to the murder of law-enforcement officers but those who did so, at his encouragement on January 6, 2021, he just pardoned!
Yet, he just called political opponents like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi ‘the enemy within,’ and called Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff ‘lunatics.’ He’s going after the previous Administration as much as possible.
Yet, he reinstated the policy to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of Federal workers and demanded that senior government officials be ‘optimally aligned’ to implement his political agenda.
Yet, by vague orders, he instructed the attorney general and director of national intelligence to go after Biden loyalists who may be at the Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the intelligence community.
Yet, he ordered no longer to ‘censor Free Speech’ because of hate speech or disinformation.
Yet, he nixed the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, comprised of a bipartisan group of experts on the Court reform debate.
Yet, Trump revoked an executive order to reduce the risks that Artificial Intelligence may pose to consumers, workers, and national security.
Yet, he issued not one word to protect US Jews from Nazi Jew-hatred.
Yet, he wants recommendations to ‘beautify Federal civic architecture.’
Make America Fascist Again—like never before.
Trump said he wants to be a peacemaker and unifier.
Yet, he threatens to take Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal by force—I kid you not.
Yet, he ordered the military to move to the Southern border, set up camps, and have planes ready to fly out ‘illegal aliens’ and possibly to enter Mexico ‘to fight drug cartels,’ which violates Mexican sovereignty.
Yet, he’s considering installing 25% import tariffs on all goods imported from Canada and Mexico in ten days from now.
Yet, he’s threatening large tariffs on imports from China, like steel (Trump used Chinese steel to build Trump Tower.), and other countries ‘because these trade deficits mean these countries take advantage of the US.’
Yet, he threatens 100% tariffs on imports from the BRICS nations.
Yet, he wants Ukraine and Putin to make a deal, the greatest prize for present-day Hitler who attacked a neighboring country and threatens all of Europe. He will fight NATO—he’s a close friend and confidant of Putin.
Yet, he will allow for TikTok although it’s deemed a national security risk—but young people voted for him, and he’s a friend of the Chinese dictator.
Yet, he renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and a Mountain that Obama renamed for an imperialist president. Insensitive.
Yet, without any provocation, he just re-designated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Yet, he directed the Secretary of State to bring the agency ‘in line with an America First foreign policy,’ as if it ever had done anything else.
Yet, he reinstated the order that ended 2020 sanctions against the ICC. That may be good for Israel but not for persecuting war crimes in general.
Yet, he called the kidnapped by Chamas ‘hostages in the Middle East.’
Yet, about Israel at war, he’s not an ally. He said: ‘It’s not our war.’
Yet, he ordered a freeze on Federal jobs with exceptions of the military, ‘immigration enforcement,’ national security, and public safety.
Yet, Musk, his buddy, wants German Neo-Nazis to win the elections.
Yet, Trump let anti-Arab Jews in the West Bank off the hook.
Yet, that Trump would have signed an executive order removing all restrictions on US weapons shipments to Israel turns out: fake news.
Make America Nazi Again—like never before.
Trump said that from now on merit only and not skin color counts.
Yet, he just signed an order to deport all aliens who are supporters of terrorists—but to leave home-grown Nazis unbothered.
Yet, he just said that ICE soon will begin rounding up ‘illegal immigrants’ in the big cities.
Yet, he axed advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the Federal government.
Yet, he ended the executive order on advancing educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity in Hispanic-serving institutions.
Yet, he just ended advancing educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity for Native Americans and Tribal colleges and universities.
Yet, he just undid the order to advance equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.
Yet, violating the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, he denied kids of ‘illegal immigrants’ American citizenship. (Won’t hold up in court.)
Yet, he especially encourages pursuing the death penalty for all crimes of enough severity committed by undocumented migrants.
Yet, he banned all asylum-seeking (but not legal immigration), as the US never signed the 1951 UN Convention’s obligation to protect refugees on one’s territory. (He thinks asylum institutes are mental institutions.) He just axed strengthening integration and inclusion for New Americans.
He just undid the task force for the safe reunification of families that were unjustly separated at the US-Mexico border.
Yet, he just said that America can only acknowledge two Cis-Genders and reinstalled his ban on transgender personnel serving openly in the military. He ended enabling all qualified Americans to serve in uniform.
Yet, schools and teachers could face punishment for being Trans-friendly. He ended the order for educational environments free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation or gender identity.
Yet, he just rescinded the executive orders to prevent and combat discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation and to advance equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals.
Yet, he just established the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to promote fundamentalist ideas and axed the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He just declared gender and intersex as not existing.
Yet, he just ended all Federal and transportation offices and positions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental justice.
Yet, he just ordered that government hiring cannot give Woke preferential treatment to people of any disadvantaged groups.
Yet, he just had fired the first female military branch leader for reopening sexual assault accusations at the military academy that were closed.
Make America Racist/Reactionary Again—like never before.
Trump said he’s for the People.
Yet, he ended the promotion of access to voting.
Yet, he had six billionaires sit at the most prominent places, who (refuse to) control all fake social media, whom he calls ‘high-quality people.’
Yet, Musk will ensure that government spending is reduced to a minimum, leaving all the vulnerable to fend for themselves.
Yet, Trump wants to help Musk plant the American flag on Mars.
Yet, to ‘drive down inflation and oil prices,’ he’ll allow oil companies to drill and make profits as much as they want (the fake ‘trickle down’ idea).
Yet, he OKed Federal contractors to pay without equity and transparency.
Yet, he wants agencies to terminate remote work arrangements and require employees to return to work in person at their respective duty stations and full-time, especially hurting workers who parent.
Yet, he axed supporting schools and early childhood education providers.
Yet, he just ended executive acts to protect the Federal workforce and workers’ health and safety.
Yet, he just undid the executive order to promote the arts, the humanities, and museum and library services.
Yet, he axed several executive orders protecting ethics at the workplace.
Yet, he just axed the OECD Global Tax Deal that 140+ countries have signed up to, and that aims to cut down on multinational cooperations using tax heavens, robbing the US of tax income, and instead, pay a minimum level of income tax in each jurisdiction where they operate.
Make America Capitalist Again—like never before.
Trump said he’s for better health.
Yet, he just withdrew from the World Health Organization, giving up on preventing the next epidemic after his 1M Covid deaths paid him so well.
Yet, he wants a Minister of Health who wants to take away many protective health measures that were in effect for a century or so.
Yet, he just undid the executive order to lower prescription drug costs.
Yet, he just ended the executive order to continue strengthening Americans’ access to affordable and quality health coverage. He just ended strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.
Yet, he just signed for unlimited drilling in Alaska and everywhere and for exporting oil, despite the climate change extinction danger. He (again) undid the US’ Paris Climate Agreement and ended the Climate Change Support Office, and promotion of clean cars and trucks and wind turbines.
Yet, he skipped programs to resettle refugees and plan for the impact of climate change on migration.
Yet, he just announced Stargate, massive US data centers individually powered to supply enough electricity (heat pollution to be ignored), and AI that will dwarf China’s Big Brother watching you.
Yet, he just redirected water to be pumped to his friends’ homes in California though not a lack of water caused the giant wildfires.
Make America Sick Again—like never before.
So, there’s much overlap between MAFA, MANA, MACA, MARA, and MASA, the practical measures from fascism, Nazism, war mongering, racism/reactionism, capitalism, and neglecting the People.
Make America Unkind Again—like never before.
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