Virtues, Values, Valor To Victory
As we embark upon seasonal reflection of the year that has transpired since we last marked the high holy days how can we have any words left especially while the sirens still wail as do bereaved Israeli mothers?
From unimaginable horror to boundless heroism; from incomprehensible hatred to reassuring harmony- we have experienced the most extraordinary and extreme gamut of emotions.
In a world that we struggle to make sense of where good has become bad and evil has become acceptable, indeed condoned one might be left to wonder whether our Jewish calendar got stuck at Purim rather than progressing to the high holy days.
Nevertheless, we arrive at these Days of Awe with an even heavier burden of introspection as we seek to impose rationality upon a world that has gone insane. Perhaps we can only do that by sticking to our guns. I refer not to the guns in the hands of our heroic IDF warriors but rather to the weapons that we all hold in our hands loaded with Jewish values and ethics.
Perhaps the sounds of the Shofar that reverberated through our souls represented our personal alarms that sent us scurrying to our shelters to protect against incoming salvos of negativity. Hopefully from there we were able to activate our own iron domes of self-improvement to defend against these destructive projectiles.
I understand that our father in heaven is seeking such a self enhancement response from us. As I ponder how to go about that change, I ponder the personality transformation of Eliyahu HaNavi. Elijah was prophet and a leader. However, towards the end of his career a jaded Eliyahu complains to Hashem that the Jewish people are not adhering to the precepts as laid out to them. G-d castigates Elijah for losing faith in the people. Faith in the people seemingly is a critical component in our religious life as is faith in G-d.
This is certainly a lesson for our challenging times. As legendary Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai has pointed out it is not a great physical change from a clenched fist to an outstretched hand. Yet somehow it is a major transition. Nevertheless, having beaten our chests with a clenched fist perhaps we can open our hands and reach out to our fellow Jews wherever and whenever they need our support and most importantly- whomever.
The sturdy hands of our faith in ourselves as Jews is required upon the rudder of our heritage as the choppy seas of enmity surrounding us threaten the very beachhead of our Jewish identity. Unity will steer our vessel of life towards smoother, more tranquil waters as we remain committed to providing lifeboats to all- should they ever be in need.
Armed with our values and virtues our collective internal valor will result in victory.
Wishing everybody a meaningful fast and a sweet year of bountiful blessings. May all our hostages and soldiers come home safely and soon.
Israel will prevail.
Am Yisrael Chai!!