Kenneth Cohen

Wagons and Torah Study

The initial reaction of Yakov Avinu to the news that Yosef was alive, was met with disbelief. He was very skeptical that such a thing could happen.

The Torah tells us that when he saw the wagons, known as עגלות, he realized that this amazing news was true. Our Rabbis tell us that the Agalot, was a hint to the last topic that Yakov was studying with Yosef before being sent away.

This was referring to the case of עגלה ערופה, where the neck of a calf was broken. This was part of a ceremony where a city took responsibility for the murder of one who had just visited that city.

This hint sent by Yosef to Yakov, was a reminder of the special bond between father and son. Yosef was called בן זקונים, that literally means, “the son of his old age.” We understand it to refer to the son that he taught the most Torah.

This very moving story sheds light on the potential of a unique bond between father and son. The Torah was meant to be transmitted by father to son, as we say in Shema, ושננתם לבניך, “And you shall teach your children.”

Finding the time to set up regular time periods for the study of Torah, creates an unshakable bond between father and son. There might be differences of opinion in other matters, but that centuries old tradition, started by Yakov and Yosef, creates a very deep and unique connection. This connection is one of the secrets of Jewish survival. So start studying with your sons and grandsons are like sons!

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at