Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Wall of steel

Much of the world screams that Israel’s government is too right wing, too fanatic, killing civilians, only interested in holding on to power, not willing to give away land, etc.

It’s par for the course. Nations have always screamed at the Jews, blamed them for all ills, stood by quietly (and some even helped) during the Holocaust. Throughout the centuries, blood libels were concocted in order to justify targeting Jews. There has been constant antisemitic oppression of Jews for thousands of years. So it’s nothing new. When nations condemn Israel now, it’s business as usual.

But when these nations are themselves attacked, they don’t hesitate to fight back. Look what the world did to Isis, and to Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11.

Israel is standing up to the world. Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich are walls of steel, courageously and valiantly pressing on to save Jewish lives.

Netanyahu and his government know that G-d is helping Israel. And they are determined to do what they need to do, to destroy evil in order to protect the Jewish nation.

Victory is near. Redemption with Moshiach is very close.

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for