
“What a wonderful world this would be”

What are the opening lines of that song by Sam Cooke?

Don’t know much about history 

Don’t know much biology

Don’t know much about a science book

Don’t know much about the French I took

This could be the anthem of “The Quartet” – that disparate alliance of the EU, UN, US and Russia – the “Holy Trinity + 1” whose religion of Political Correctness has gripped the world. No sense of history – or anything else for that matter.

Here’s a snapshot of the world today:

All this and more is happening right now. But the only thing the Quartet can see is that Israel, in response to a recent unilateral move by Fatah, has decided to build some houses in Area E1. This is disputed territory that only remains disputed because Fatah refuses to negotiate over the territory’s future. (Read here an in-depth analysis of what makes this disputed territory.)

Perhaps the powers that be in The Quartet need new glasses, maybe they can’t read the newsprint, see the TV pictures clearly enough.

Budget optician Specsavers, I think I’ve just found you a really lucrative, huge customer base. Would you consider giving me a 0.1 percent commission on your earnings from all spectacles you sell to members of The Quartet? That’ll be more than enough for me to buy myself a new house in Area E1 in Judea & Samaria.

What a wonderful world this would be if only myopic world leaders would refocus their attention on the horrors that are actually happening around them. Instead of picking on a country thrust into their blurred line of vision by fanatical Islamist regimes with a genocidal agenda.

Read also: Dr Salman Masalha’s excellentArab Media’s Dissemination of Fabrications, Conspiracy Theoriespublished by MEMRI



About the Author
Served as deputy chair of the West Sweden branch of the Sweden-Israel Friendship Association. Written three political thrillers about Sweden-Israel-Gaza in The Hart Trilogy: "Bridges Going Nowhere" (2014), "The Threat Beneath" (2015) and "From the Shadows" (2016), where the action switches seamlessly between Samaria, Gaza, Israel, Sweden and Iran. Work has started on a fourth book, "Picture Imperfect".