Meyer Rothberg

Where are the three teens?

There’s a number of places in the west bank where the IDF has not looked. Where you ask? In the settlements, of course! There is a distinct possibility that these teens were “abducted” by lunatic right-wing settlers of which we have, unfortunately, much too many; one, in fact, is one too many. When one considers the nature of not a few of these actions – the “price tag” attacks not only on innocent Palestinians but on the IDF itself – it’s not hard to imagine that these same fanatics picked up the boys, ordered them to call the police with that whispered message – “We are being kidnapped” – and then taking them to a settlement!

Today’s New York Times finally called attention to the fact that NO evidence has been presented that supports the accusation that this is a kidnapping carried out by Hamas. The tone of the pronouncements by the PM’s office implies, if not almost explicitly states, that they are sure the boys are still in the west bank. May I suggest that they start searching some of the settlements which have been implicated in “price tag” attacks?

About the Author
Meyer is a 78 year old Clinical Psychologist living in NY state. Married, happily, for 52 years. Father to a son who served in the IDF/Gaza and grandfather to 3 grandsons. Frequent visitor to Israel for the past 35 years.
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