Tania Elfersy

Who consented to be a part of this experiment?

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It might be the end of the world as we know it, but it’s not the end of hope that we can create a healthier world for us all.

Each of us has a role to play, and it’s time to step up!

In Israel, all kids went back to school about a month ago, after a long period of lockdown.

Since then we’ve heard stories of teacher “super-spreaders,” hundreds of school children who’ve tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, and schools closing down sending tens of thousands of children into weeks of quarantine.

For a whole school to close, only one pupil or teacher needs to receive a SARS-CoV-2 positive test. When this happens, The Ministry of Health asks parents to place their healthy children into quarantine.


When did parents consent to this large-scale untested medical experiment?

Sending children into quarantine involves isolating children from all family members for 14 days; bringing children meals to the door of their room; not allowing them outside; restricting movement (not to mention exercise); and likely unlimited screen time and unhealthy snacks for many. “Let’s just spoil them, and then spoil them some more!” exclaimed one mother, trying to put a positive spin on the situation.

Please tell me how we are caring for children’s health in this way? Where are the pediatricians asking for this to stop? Where are the scientists who know that physical contact between a parent and child is absolutely essential for the health of children?

Where are the fine school principals who are waking up to the fact that school cannot continue in this way? If one positive test can close down a whole school, schools can be closing down every two to three weeks. Under these conditions, we might as well close down schools altogether. Why are school principals not demanding scientific evidence – controlled studies – to back up these public policies?

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) put out a document outlining types of non-pharmaceutical intervention that could be used in a pandemic. Quarantine of exposed individuals was specifically listed as “not recommended in any circumstances.”

“But,” I hear you cry, “these are extraordinary circumstances and Covid-19 is still so dangerous!”

Is it? Can we please look at the data?

Even if we assume that a) there is ONE novel virus inflicting the whole world and b) that the RT-PCR test is accurate in any reasonable way (which I believe are both massive assumptions but let’s go by the rational used by governments right now), no-one can deny that the lockdown and quarantine measures that governments are still enforcing on populations were created at the start of this crisis, when the WHO was convincing the world that Covid-19 had an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 3.4%.

The CDC recently updated its IFR for Covid-19 to 0.26% (across asymptomatic and symptomatic cases of all ages).

Early on in the crisis we had the perfect “petri dish” to study, with the case of The Diamond Princess cruise ship. Passengers on this ship had an IFR of 1.0% but when the numbers were adjusted to a general population (as opposed to the older population on the cruise ship) researchers reached an IFR of 0.13%. Other more recent research papers hover around the 0.1 to 0.2%. These numbers are certainly in line with seasonal flu.

So can we start acting as we do in flu season, by just getting on with our lives and encouraging sick people to stay at home? Where is the data to support the continued implementation of such draconian measures? Where is the research to suggest that fearing our children is promoting health?

And at this point you may argue: “But I don’t usually know people who die in flu season and I don’t usually know so many people who have been so sick. This virus is different!”

I am truly sorry for all those who have experienced suffering and loss during this crisis. In my work, I bring people to healing. What I am sharing here is aligned with this work and expresses my hope that what we learn in 2020, will protect us in the future.

What is extraordinarily different about this year is that billions of people are living in long-term fight-or-flight over a virus. Fight-or-flight is designed to last around 20 minutes. It’s a brilliant biological response that kicks in to save us in life-threatening situations, like if there’s a tiger heading our way.

We can also trigger fight-or-flight in non-life-threatening situations, like if we believe there’s a snake on our bathroom floor, before we discover that the snake is a belt that fell from a bathrobe.

Fight-or-flight doesn’t tell us what is true about situations; it points to how we perceive them.

In fight-or-flight, all routine bodily functions that are not needed in a 20-minute life-threatening situation are shut down – including digestion, detoxification and immune response. If we remain in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight, we are going to get sick. If our body goes into an extended fight-or-flight state in the middle of an irregular detoxification (from toxins that we may not even be aware of – this, by the way, is where our focus should be), we can get very sick.

This is what’s happening the world over. This and a disastrous mistreatment of symptoms (which pushes up IFR). It’s impossible to fathom that at the height of this crisis you had an equal or even better chance of recovering from Ebola in West Africa, than from Covid-19 if you were being treated in certain hospitals in NYC and the UK. Hopefully protocols have since changed and lessons learned.

It turns out that ventilators were not the game changer, but in some hospitals, the protocols ensured that people kept on getting hooked up to them even when it was evident that close to 90% of people who were intubated would never survive.

And at this point you may ask: “But surely even if the IFR is that of a seasonal flu, this virus is more contagious. Isn’t being around other people still an unnecessary risk?”

To answer this question, I would like to quote a research paper, funded by the WHO, and published in The Lancet on 1 June 2020. The research made headlines in the mainstream media, including in The Times of Israel, because many in the media believed that it proved that social distancing and mask wearing were essential to stop the spread of Covid-19, even though the researchers admitted that they could not find ONE randomized controlled trial of Covid-19 or similar virus, that came to such a conclusion (randomized controlled trials are considered a gold standard in medical research). In addition, the researchers admitted a moderate to low certainty regarding all findings.

Ironically, what should have made the headlines was one sentence from the introduction:

“It has not been solved if SARS-CoV-2 might spread through aerosols from respiratory droplets.”

Wait, what?!

Practically the whole world has been forced into lockdown over a virus that they haven’t even managed to prove can be spread in the very way we’ve been convinced that it spreads.

Isn’t this the very first thing that should have been proven after they isolated the virus (if this step had been done)? Isn’t this what governments should have ordered all appropriately equipped labs to discover – routes of contagion – before they sent populations into lockdown? Shouldn’t every country with an advanced medical system have been able to prove contagion from symptomatic and asymptomatic patients (neither of which have been proven in controlled trials)?

“But this virus is so new, it’s mutating, scientists just don’t know enough!” you may say.

And I’d beg you at this point to ask any scientist with a background in microbiology or virology or even any similar medical research background, how long such an experiment would take, with all the best labs in the world working on this together? How long would it take to isolate the virus, infect some primates (sorry animal lovers, but this is what happens in medical labs), test the primates and prove the route of contagion. A month? Maybe a little more?

How is it possible that the medical establishment could already be on human trials for vaccines but they still haven’t proven the most basic science behind this virus?

I can only conclude that since “it has not been solved if SARS-CoV-2 might spread through aerosols from respiratory droplets,” this matter will not be solved because it can’t be. This virus is not spread as so many believe it is.

But what about the super-spreaders – the teachers, the church goers, the family members who went to a funeral or party? We believe there are super-spreaders because that is what we are looking for. If no-one had told you about the planetary alignment of our solar system, you could still believe the sun goes around the earth because that is certainly what it looks like if you watch the sun “rise” and “set” every day.

I suspect that there are enough scientists out there who know what I am pointing to, but they can’t speak out because they’ll lose their job, their funding, their prestige. But now is the time to make a difference. Scientists who know what is going on but are not speaking out should know that their silence is ruining people’s lives in extraordinary ways.

We need to be brave. When we have information, we need to speak up. If we have the power to investigate and share, we should. If we have the power to take a government to court and demand they reveal the scientific evidence they used to reach the public health decisions they implemented, we need to step up and do this work.

This crisis has brought into focus the stunning disconnect between what top virologists and experts of the virome share in academic circles about how viruses operate, and what most of the public still believes about disease.

Everything we’ve been told about Covid-19 makes no sense when viewed through the lens of the latest research in virology and the human virome. We are being held hostage by those who have an interest in preserving an outdated narrative of disease.

We deserve better!

About the Author
Tania Elfersy is an award-winning author, researcher of innate health and transformative coach. Tania can be found over at where she raises awareness about perimenopause and menopause and helps women reach 100% natural symptom relief.