Who will YOU be sending mishloach manot to this year?
I’ll keep it short and sweet.
As Purim approaches, once again threads appear on Facebook, WhatsApp groups and elsewhere, discussing themes for mishloach manot, how much people are willing to spend on the mitzva, how it has gotten out of hand, how much junk food will be consumed courtesy of mishloach manot and so on.
Those who know me will know that I am a big proponent of keeping it simple with regard to mishloach manot, and that I advocate spending more of the money on matanot la’evyonim or on sending the food gifts to worthy causes.
So here’s a list of a number of places that would be happy to send mishloach manot to our soldier heroes on your behalf, some of whom will provide you with a card or an e-card to send to your own recipient in lieu of the food that you would have sent:
The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Center
Happy Purim!