Grant Arthur Gochin


(Courtesy of author)
(Courtesy of author)

There are Jewish organizations which believe they have no accountability to “ordinary” Jews. They act without transparency or explanation. They claim to represent Jews, but do not deign to communicate with those Jews they claim to represent.

Gideon Taylor, President of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and of the World Jewish Restitution Organization, penned this dreadful article in which he recommends Jews accept a “symbolic” payment in lieu of billions of dollars’ worth of stolen property, while simultaneously, renouncing another opportunity for truth from non-Jewish Lithuanians. It is a deal which serves ONLY Lithuania, it does absolutely nothing for Jews, and even less for truth or justice.

  1. Who negotiated this travesty?
  2. By what authority?
  3. Why did they do it?

Jews deserve a full and complete explanation.

Twitter screenshot

Yad Vashem regularly platforms Holocaust deniers from the Lithuanian Government. Yad Vashem knows about Lithuanian Holocaust frauds, denials, distortions, revisions and inversions. Why does Yad Vashem constantly give Lithuania opportunities to misrepresent their ideology?

The American Jewish Committee constantly appears to serve Lithuania, bolstering their international profile, while not requiring them to come clean with a truthful narrative about Lithuanians’ role during the Holocaust. Why?

The facts are known. Individual Lithuanians themselves have told us the truth. Lithuanians spoke up in the documentary “One Last Chance”. They were explicit about who committed their crimes in the documentary “Lithuanian Volunteers”. J’Accuse! has deconstructed Lithuanian Holocaust fraud. Baltic Truth removed some remaining facades. Yet, some of our own Jewish organizations appear intent on serving the Lithuanian Government without requiring them to tell the truth. Why?

Why are some Genocide and Holocaust Museums platforming programming by the Lithuanian Government while declining to platform programming by Lithuanians such as Silvia Foti and Ruta Vanagaite? These museums and institutions are painfully aware of the Lithuanian Government’s never-ending tactics of deception and obfuscation. Each time anyone sees such programming, we are compelled to ask: Why?

There are 220,000 murder victims under Lithuania’s soil whose fates are being ignored and buried by the very Jewish organizations which should be howling from the rooftops in their memory. We demand to know – WHY?

Jews are fighting each other, and Lithuanian Holocaust revisionists have a front seat at the show. Why should they be the winners?

It is time for absolute transparency from our own Jewish organizations. We deserve no less than a wholehearted explanation.

About the Author
Grant Arthur Gochin currently serves as the Honorary Consul for the Republic of Togo. He is the Emeritus Special Envoy for Diaspora Affairs for the African Union, which represents the fifty-five African nations, and Emeritus Dean of the Los Angeles Consular Corps, the second largest Consular Corps in the world. Gochin is actively involved in Jewish affairs, focusing on historical justice. He has spent the past thirty years documenting and restoring signs of Jewish life in Lithuania. He has served as the Chair of the Maceva Project in Lithuania, which mapped / inventoried / documented / restored over fifty abandoned and neglected Jewish cemeteries. Gochin is the author of “Malice, Murder and Manipulation”, published in 2013. His book documents his family history of oppression in Lithuania. He is presently working on a project to expose the current Holocaust revisionism within the Lithuanian government. He is Chief of the Village of Babade in Togo, an honor granted for his philanthropic work. Professionally, Gochin is a Certified Financial Planner and practices as a Wealth Advisor in California, where he lives with his family. Personal site:
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