Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Why are so many soldiers reaching out to G-d?

Why are they asking for yarmulkes, tzitzit, and tefillin? Why are they suddenly longing to come closer to G-d?

Something deep. Deeper than we know. Way way within. It calls out to us.

Eli Wiesel relates that he didn’t want to get married and have children. It was a protest, to G-d. His protest was within his faith. He believed in G-d, and that’s why he was protesting.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe told him, the biggest revenge against Hitler, is to have Jewish children.

And when Eli Wiesel had a child, he said that he received from the Rebbe, the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that he ever received in his life.

So too the soldiers. Their coming closer to G-d is the greatest revenge against Hamas.

Something pure within them, their Jewish soul, a part of G-d, shines out, reaches every facet of their being.

When Viktor Frankl was freed from the concentration camp, he walked for miles without stopping. Then he came to a field, and he fell on his knees, and recited over and over a verse from Psalms (118; 5): Min hameitzar korosi ko, ononi bamerchav ko — From the narrow constraint I call to G-d, He answered me with the the vast wideness of G-d.

The shofar is narrow at one end, and wide at the other. By putting one’s lips to the narrow end, the vibrations bring a loud blast of sound from the wide end.

And our prophets tell us, that in the time of Moshiach, a great shofar will sound.

The soldiers are prepared, with all their might, body and soul, to protect their countrymen, and to serve their G-d.

The Jewish people have awakened. Hamas is finished. Redemption is very close.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for