Deborah Wiener

Why can’t the Jews be more like us?

Why can’t a woman be more like a man? So sang Henry Higgins lamenting the fact that women are, well, different.

So with a nod to him, it seems that a lot of people now are asking, why can’t the Jews just be  more like us? Why can’t they just turn the other cheek? Is it that they just aren’t Christian enough? Why must they bleat on and on about the Holocaust? After all, goes the lament, that was so long ago and in any event they had it coming. And if they didn’t, why didn’t they just stand up for themselves? How could they allow themselves to be led like sheep to the slaughter? So given that they were so insipid in defending themselves, why should we, the good citizenry of the woke west, defend them now? After all, they aren’t the victims now are they?

The woke west – or WW for short – propagates a false argument that goes like this: the Jews allowed themselves to be murdered in the Holocaust. We who did sweet nothing to prevent it have had to wallow in self-flagellation now for 80 years. We are over it. Yes we turned a blind eye. Yes we wouldn’t let them into other countries where conceivably they would have been saved rather than having been exterminated at a blistering pace, but, well, enough is enough. We have worn that hair shirt for long enough. We let them have their own country. We have dutifully visited Holocaust memorial museums and bowed to the idol of those memorials. But enough is enough. Israel and the perfidious Jews have now done to the poor innocent Gazans what was done to them. Victim becomes perpetrator. Now the perpetrator is not deserving of our sympathy or compassion. So maybe a few women were raped on 7 October. Maybe. Jews lie after all and will do anything for sympathy so why should we worry about a few raped and mutilated women. Who had it coming anyhow. And those Jews who say that they aren’t colonizers. Seriously? So they were there for over 3,000 years and they have no mother ship so to speak from where they launched their genocidal colonizing campaign. So what? Facts don’t count.

Facts no longer count. Truth no longer counts because it is, as others have written, about “my truth” whatever that might mean. Truth is just a made up fantasy of whatever narrative you want to disseminate. Truth bears no relation to anyone’s story, whether “history” or “herstory.” Truth, like Humpty Dumpty might have said, means whatever I want it to mean.

In this post truth world deniers proliferate. Not just your common everyday Holocaust denier, but 7 October deniers. They are the latest genus of denier to appear. They are probably the most invidious of all as what they deny was filmed in real time. There are real live witnesses who have spoken of what they saw. There are witnesses who have told of not being able to bury women because their limbs were so distorted out of shape that they couldn’t fit into a grave. But the deniers, these New Deniers, disavow all the evidence as being either faked, exaggerated, or if it happened, then they had it coming. Those damned Jewish women had it coming. Those Bedouins had it coming. Those Thai workers had it coming. They all had it coming and therefore so what. Stop bleating and whining.

Those of us who are post Holocaust but have the effects of it burned into our souls always wondered how it happened. Videos of, for example, protestors streaming and screaming through the streets of Michigan and Melbourne in the last few days, reminiscent of a Nuremberg rally, tell you all you need to know.

Vision of the offices of Jewish members of parliament being defaced; blatant dehumanizing lies and chants and modern day blood libels being endlessly repeated and spread like rampaging vermin in the sewer of social media show us how it could recur with a 21 century jib.

Jews who were saved during the war by the 28,000 or so Righteous Gentiles survived due to the courage of those few. Some helped by turning a blind eye. Some helped by sheltering the Jews for a day or a week or sometimes years. But the overwhelming majority turned away. The overwhelming majority kept silent and did nothing. They may not have approved but they did nothing.

Where is the majority today? Is it with the baying mob who recalibrate the non-truth to suit “their” truth? Are they indifferent to what is occurring and just turn the page or scroll onto something more palatable?

We have so called political leaders who speak with forked tongues and are more interested in votes than doing what is right.

We have universities who are more interested in appeasement than doing what they are supposed to do, which is show leadership and educate not capitulate to uneducated snowflake students.

We have police who allow the baying mob to run amok whilst their targets are told to stay away.

We have a media which is either naïve or reckless but which is complicit in the spreading of the lie and thus the spread of the hatred.

And we have you, the silent majority.

About the Author
A family law barrister and amateur Holocaust historian with an interest in writing about what is important right now.