Why I Like Judaism
I thought about this a lot (well, maybe like an hour), what is the CORE reason I like Judaism. (Note: I am Jewish, Goldberg?). I will tell you, because I am sure you want to know 😉 and the reason may be the same as why some fellow humans like their religions, classes, groups and studies.
Judaism has a concept called “Learning” but the word is used in a very special way.
“Learning”, in “Jewish Speak” is a special word, and it keeps joined the different sects of Judaism.
-One person opens one of the many books written by a past teacher or Rabbi (there are tons!).
-The person will read a passage usually out loud. A line or two in English or Hebrew or both (This is where you can show off your Hebrew).
-Then you discuss that line read. You will never be wrong, how can you be wrong learning?
-You can just listen or speak and give your opinion, give a story, why you may relate to that line, etc. (But don’t talk too much, you know who you are 🙂
-Sometimes the Rabbi will give his opinion on what the line means, then wait, then give another opinion. Then I will say, “Rabbi, you just said a different opinion before?” and the Rabbi will say, “Well that was before”. This is where the beauty is and the fun. The true beauty of Learning. That a man can hold two opinions in his mind at once, in a beautiful way. Is this not the essence of learning?
-Of course this is not restricted to Judaism and I myself have been in multiple Philosophy groups where we use the exact same process.
What a beautiful concept. Two or more people discussing a line from a text that usually relates to topics of forgiveness, charity, wisdom, business, forgiving, family, sickness, disagreements, meaning and even science and math. The best is to do it in person but online is OK (cookies mandatory). It can be 5 minutes, an hour, or all night.
The irony of it all, is that I find when “learning”, that there is no answer in the end, no true answer, but yet at the end of learning, even for an hour, I feel like I did find an answer for myself. Not an equation solved, not a debate won, not a point given, not a tax return complete…..but yet, I walk away with a smile from this short journey….and I realize that was the answer all along….the journey. (I am aware I did not blow your mind with this epiphany, but humor me, assuming you made it this far in the article.)
I look at Artificial Intelligence now, solving problems that no human ever could, writing better than any man, creativity that will blow your mind, completing jobs we thought humans can only do. AI has tremendous and impressive output and it is getting better and better, and you are all using it, for sure and should be in your missions, work and studies.
BUT FEAR NOT MERE HUMANS, for learning is not always about finding an answer, because there is not always an answer.
There are certain things you and AI will never know, and for that matter, define knowing? (e.g. You will never know the path that would have been.)
The journey IS, the answer, and that is what I like the most about Judaism.
Judaism, (to me) allows you to take the journey, without requiring an answer, and recognizes there is none, and this is called Learning. (But I am sure someone will disagree 😉
Keep on Learning Humans!
I want to thank the various people in my life that I have gone on this Learning journey with me so far, the ones with me Now, and the ones that will join me in the future, including various Rabbis, Family, Loved Ones, Acquaintances, Strangers, Haters and Enemies.
Bradley Goldberg, Forensic CPA