Zahava Bauer

Widows of War

There’s an ache
In the stomach
In the soul
Of the widow
Who leans
Against her window
Weary from
The day
Her weeping
A whisper
So her children
Won’t wake
After she tucked them
Into bed
On her own

About the Author
Zahava Bauer grew up in Teaneck, NJ and recently made Aliyah to Efrat from Bala Cynwyd, PA with her husband and three children. She is an English teacher in Ulpanat Oriya, and previously taught in Caskey Torah Academy in Philly. She loves to write poetry in her spare time, and enjoys snow days, hiking, and a day at the beach. Her Bachelor’s degrees are from Stern in Jewish Education and English Literature, and her Master’s degrees are from Azrieli and GPATS. She hopes for nothing more than peace in the Middle East and achdut among Am Yisrael!