Will It Be Joe?
There is a direct line from Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That!” to the Democrat party’s demand for slave reparations.
Democrat fostered voter harvesting is like organ harvesting.
In 2018 ABC-TV cancelled Roseanne Barr’s hit show because of her “Planet of the Apes” crack about Valerie Jarrett. Two years later, Oregon passed a law demanding that white people, but not blacks wear face masks.
Democrats attacked New York City’s Museum of Natural History Roosevelt statue. They got the wrong Roosevelt. Japanese American Interner, FDR should have been their target but he is their icon and many who voted for him still do, whether they are alive or dead.
Progressives are trying to spring the Molotov Cocktail Lawyers who torched a police car. Their defense? They “got carried away”.
New York State Governor Cuomo thinks rioting and destruction of property are legitimate means of “self-expression”.
Democrat elected officials’ refusal to enforce laws against rioting and looting are green-lighting escalation of crime.
Will Biden have a health crisis and step down? Will Democrats have to find another presidential candidate? Enter Hillary? Will it be an all female ticket? Unfortunately for Warren, she and Hillary look like sisters. Senator Kamala Harris? The Atlanta mayor? Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s out. She sued Clinton for defamation. That leaves former Orlando Chief of Police, current U.S. Representative Val Demmings as Hillary’s VP choice or Biden’s if he manages to stay conscious through November 3.
The stakes are high.
The only thing standing between Democrats and their exculpation from responsibility for the Kavanaugh/Russia/Ukraine/Flynn hoaxes, failed impeachment are Trump and Republicans.