YomHazikaron ’22: Thoughts from an Olah 3 Years In
I can’t say Yom Hazikaron is my favorite day, but I think it is my favorite day to be in Israel, or rather the day of the year that I am the most thankful for aliyah.
It’s the little things. The sad songs on the radio for a couple of days leading to it. The temporary new street names in our city to commemorate our fallen heroes. The flags on cars flapping in the wind. There are no Memorial Day sales or barbecues; what there is, is a national sense of Togetherness, loss and pride.
As a people we know all too well to mix sadness with joy, and we know that at the end of this solemn day, we will be celebrating our Country, our Home.
Thinking of all our Fallen heroes today, the families for whom it is Yom Hazikaron every day, the ones who lost comrades or part of their souls in battle, our victims of terror. And thanking you always.