Tal Charnes

You won’t believe the video this university student made!

For pro-Israel advocates, the plethora of web tools available allows for some very cool projects
Faces of Israel (Photo credit: Screenshot)
Faces of Israel (Photo credit: Screenshot)

After being continuously told by many of my friends and local Jewish and Pro-Israel organizations to create a video, I finally had the time off of my busy university schedule to go out and do something creative.  I had two days of free time before the school work piled up again. So, I did not have too much time in order to create a final product. However, as with any project I take on, I wanted it to be something I could be proud of.

So, I decided to make a music video. I knew I was going to make this a rap video and the lyrics were easy and came naturally to me once I found the instrumental that I wanted, as I’ve been making songs since I was about six years old. Next, it was time to record.

Seeing as I didn’t have too much free time in my schedule, I only did one take with this instrumental and went on towards the video aspect. This part was going to take the bulk of my time. I knew that rap videos had the issue that sometimes people do not always understand what the artist is saying. I also knew that many of Israel’s critics don’t actually know how multicultural this wonderful country is. I easily came up with the solution of having my friends make a sign with the lyrics and send them to me.

I went on facebook and asked many of my friends from around the world (that I knew were pro-Israel) to help me make a video showing what Israel, the country we all know and love meant to me. My requests for help were met with much more support than I expected, and believe me, I had high expectations. From there on the video was easy, I threw the photos in my software to make it all match up to my voice. Added a couple videos of me towards the beginning and end.

Finally, I created a video of George Bush using a website that I found online that let me manipulate what he said and did however I wanted. I thought the Bush video was amusing (regardless of anyone’s opinions of him) and so I threw that at the end of my video.

What I learned from creating this video was how easy it is to support Israel. If you’re adventurous and a leader-type, you can create your own events, videos, programs, etc. If you’re not, you can support your friends who are. When Israel is surrounded by countries that would like to see that it gets blown off the map, it is our responsibility to advocate for this country and to see to it that the moderates of the world know what Israel means to us.

About the Author
Tal Charnes is the current President of Illini Students Supporting Israel and Vice President of Israel Relations at the University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana. He is also an Israeli citizen and has lived in Israel.
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